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Comment Re:Politics (Score 2) 632

In theory a pair of pliers to hold the bullet and a hammer with a pointy bit to hit the pin is all you need.

From experience, the above will end with you in the emergency room having pieces of brass being removed from your body. (Yes, I really did something that stupid as a kid)

You need something to contain and direct the explosion or the brass case will explode and produce shrapnel. Try putting it in a steel tube to direct the explosion to propel the bullet.

Comment Re:Printing Money (Score 1) 632

No the analogy is somewhat more correct. They are breaking the law when they are transferring a 3D file that does not require any abilities to finish the manufacturing of the receiver.

Are you sure? You can buy 80% blanks that 80% of the work is done on and they are not a receiver until you do the remaining 20% of the work. At best the 3D file is 33% of the receiver, you still need the printer, the plastics material, and the the finishing work to make it fit. In reality the 3D file is more like the blueprints. I can put a 3D file into an computer controlled CNC machine and have it make the receiver. It is the exact same thing and not illegal..

Comment Re:Not conservative (Score 1) 345

I would not call it a conspiracy, they have created artificial barriers to entry on the national level.

Things like, if you do not hold 10% of the vote nationally, you can not participate in the national presidential debates.
The two major parties have laws in place that gives them millions/billions from the national coffers for their campaigns.

Add to that the fact that if a third party gains enough signatures to get their name on the ballot, they will have there ballot access challenged by one of the two major parties. This forces the third party to defend their listing on the ballot in court and takes considerable money from the donations they have received.

All of this works to keep the names and platforms of the third parties from ever reaching the bulk of the people and gaining a foothold that could jeopardize the two party system.

Look at the extent they went to with Ron Paul the first time he ran. If only 1/2 of the stuff I heard was true, then there is a major issue that no one seems to be looking into.

Comment Re:Sure, you can resign anytime you like, worker (Score 1) 117

But the social contract is a crock of BS. There is no social contract, The laws of nature govern both man and society and it is survival of the fittest. (To take a Nietzschean stance on this) To do otherwise would allow the weak to survive and reproduce, thus degrading the gene pool and weakening man as a whole. The only outcome from that would be the complete extension of man.

Comment Re:Sure, you can resign anytime you like, worker (Score 1) 117

Ummm, Louis Blanc the most influential of all socialists wrote "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!" in his 1839, thesis "The organization of work"

It was repeated by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program.

So, it is very Socialist and is true to socialism.

Comment Re:Sure, you can resign anytime you like, worker (Score 1) 117

No in socialism "workers contribute to society based on their ability and receive pay according to their needs"

They are students, they dont need money. The state pays for the school and they can contribute to the state by working for free or for reduced wadges in the factory.

Full on Socialism at work.

Comment Re:Free isn't free in business-unless you're steal (Score 1) 195

Linux is like water. Water is free and abundant, but the only way a business is going to make money off water is
a. take the good stuff (mt spring for example) for yourself and sell it (e.g. Evian)
b. give "free" water such a bad rap that yours is better (e.g. pollute the crap out of free water). But then sell basic tap water with good marketing (e.g. Dansi, Dannon, Arrowhead, etc...)

Odd, I thought companies making things like boats, fishing rods, lures, bate, sails, paint, etc,etc were all making money off Water.

Comment Re:Science and conjecture (Score 1) 771

In any case the root is the same--a growing distrust of authority, especially governmental authority, as government less and less appears to be capable of solving the big social and economic problems of our time.

You have a problem with the above statement, Fixing social and economic problems is not the job of government.
The job of government is best laid out in the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness

See, social and economic issues are not even mentioned as a job of government.

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