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Comment Board function? (Score 1) 204

Isn't the function of the Board to oversee the running of the company by Upper management? The board nominally works for/represents the shareholders. Who would the proposed new oversight committee represent? What happens when we decide that this new oversight committee isn't doing it's job properly? Do we appoint yet another committee to oversee the committee that oversees the board that oversees the upper management?
    I don't think the CEO of a company has it as simple as many make it out to be, if any business school graduate could do it for a fraction of the price they would be doing it. There are plenty of companies out there and if anyone with a degree could do the job they would all be leading those companies into becoming much larger and more successful companies.

Comment Re: optical drive (Score 3) 394

Because the people that put out content for the computer ship on them. A cheap 4G mem stick is ~$4, to press 4.7G DVD costs them pennies. Until there is a useful way to allow customers to DL onto their own memory sticks, optical will stick around.

Comment Re:Princeton University to be held responsible (Score 1) 338

Actually I see it the other way, the various industrial entities would love to go after you after a single report or even suggestion of piracy. A 6 strike policy allows you plenty of time to find a new carrier, or find a new way of doing things that are not detectable with current standards.

  Although I wonder... the torrent system is covered under copyright/patents right? Could (should they so desire) the holders of said IP make it a caveat of the use of their method that it not be used to entrap users? Maybe it's just me, but turning around and accusing the industries of illegal pirating would be quite satisfying.


Submission + - Grand Theft Auto IV Ad on FX Network @ 2:00 EST

CoffeeHedake writes: "Pending submission under Playstation Section... disregard. I sat and watched the counter tick for a while, then took some pictures just in time, posted on my homepage quickly. At 2:10AM EST or so I walked upstairs to grab my coat, and noticed this ad on the FX Network, with a counter ticking down for the trailer of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV. It must have been running for at least a few minutes, but the sound of the timer clunk, clunk, clunking away the time caught my attention and what the ad actually said on it completely tore me away from what I was doing. Giant Letters: IV with "Trailer" underneath in tiny script, a timer ticking down, and the rockstar logo with a link: to rockstar's website. As 2:30 rolled around, the ad was STILL there, aparently Rockstar rented an entire infomercial slot, and ran the ad with the timer. The image changed to "IV This Product Not Yet Rated," then "The preceding was a paid advertisement for Grand Theft Auto IV, from Rockstar Games" and the ad ended. Haven't heard a word about this as of yet... thought some anxious GTA fans might be interested."

Journal Journal: Beryl rocks out with Ubuntu (and a decent graphics card)

If you have been living in the Slashdot equivalent of a cave (which, note, might mean approximately the opposite of what that phrase would mean in the non-tech-obsessed world), you might not know that Beryl and Compiz are a) apparently about to merge back together and b) are compositing window managers that let you do all that wiggly-window, 3-D cube visual effect madness. I've been watching enviously screencasts of the cubes flipping merrily around, and windows wiggling like Jell-O brand gel


Submission + - Stem Cell Signaling Mystery Solved

Anonymous Coward writes: "A newly discovered small molecule called IQ-1 plays a key role in preventing embryonic stem cells from differentiating into one or more specific cell types, allowing them to instead continue growing and dividing indefinitely, according to research performed by a team of scientists who recently have joined the stem cell research efforts at the Keck School of Medicine of USC."
The Courts

Lawsuit Against Google Dismissed 89

Weather Storm writes in with news from PCWorld that a US District Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed against Google by a company that accused them of manipulating search results for political and religious reasons and skewing results in favor of companies that compensate Google financially. The lawsuit (discussed on Slashdot last year) was filed by KinderStart, a parenting information Web site that claims it was illegally blocked from Google search results. The judge not only dismissed the lawsuit but granted a motion by Google to sanction KinderStart and one of its lawyers. Google can now seek "reasonable compensation" for attorney fees because KinderStart's lawyer filed claims that were factually baseless and did not perform an adequate investigation before filing the lawsuit.

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