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Comment Re:Catfish (Score 1) 238

I thought that was called noodling? That's what it's called here in Canada(Ontario specifically) and in the southern US.

I thought that was called noodling? That's what it's called here in Canada(Ontario specifically) and in the southern US.

Well, we used to call it that, but they made us stop. Too many lost their noodles.

Comment Re:Or not (Score 1) 112

Oh, and the answer(s) may not even be right and has to be checked using classical methods anyway.

One of the primary characteristics of NP problems is that solutions are hard to find but easy to verify. It will take longer than the lifetime of the universe to find the best solution to a thousand city travelling salesman problem. But it takes less than a millisecond to verify that it is better than the previous best known path.

Solution: Keep N=1 and nobody gets hurt! Done! ARE YOU LISTENING TO THIS NOBEL COMMITTEE??? You can just send me the big check now please.

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