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Comment Amazon, free stuff, but hang them anyway! (Score 5, Insightful) 19

So let me get this straight... Amazon, who pays its workers almost twice what WalMart does in many states, who have provided PPE from the start for all of its workers, provided Hazard pay at the start of the outbreak; (and has been chastised for taking it away... despite providing more than anything the federal government provided for a long time). Have prioritized customers who need urgent groceries and goods during the pandemic, hired thousands of extra workers to deal with the demand during this time providing much needed jobs to those who lost them; provide FREE delivery for groceries whilst UberEats is jacking the HELL out of its prices to profit off our suffering. This is the company we're hauling in front on Congress for violating an internal policy, that the law doesn't require, and which NO other online vendor has because they simply believe it's good for their customers...

It's is true that no good deed goes unpunished.

Comment Re:As he said, they don't need a policy (Score 1) 19

How exactly is Amazon a monopoly in this situation? The are far from the only online retailer. They are far from the only place sellers can effectively list their goods. They're simply not a monopoly, and as such I question how exactly they are subject to these anti-trust issues.

They are the most competitive, and they are doing the most to be nice to customers, and frankly, to sellers too - can you imagine WalMart even having this "problem"? Not in a million years. They don't just take any old person to sell on their site, they don't have the balls or the technology. If they didn't, you can bet your bottom dollar, they'd use that data to figure which products to make next.

Comment Fundamental horse before the cart (Score 1) 141

Housing in SF is expensive because tech companies pay so much. Tech companies don't pay so much because housing is so expensive. It's the salary increases that caused the housing price increases.

As anyone in a hiring role can attest to, you can't hire good engineers easily; the market is tilted towards engineers, not towards companies, so companies increase salaries to attract top talent, top talent has more money to buy housing, the housing market isn't increasing as much as people are buying, supply demand, prices increase.

The top-most talent works for the top-most companies, most of whom are based in the SF and environs, or NYC. Doesn't matter wether they move to Ohio, or stay in CA, their salaries are commanded by the supply of talent, which, is shrinking (even more now this administration seems to be trying to restrict visas for education and is generally just deporting people for being brown or any non-white variant).

Comment Microsoft was judged a monopoly in the PC Market (Score 3, Interesting) 49

Whereas Apple is very far from a Monopoly as everyone is so fond of pointing out - iPhones aren't even the majority in the phone market, nor Macs in the PC market, so it's a bit difficult for an antitrust issue to arise here. If you don't like there terms, make an Android app, or a Windows Phone app... oh wait...

Not that different than forcing your users run IE to run your crappy apps, none of which worked in any other OS than windows back in the day. Talk about pot calling the kettle black-bottom... Even if it looks like the shoe is on the other foot; it's not.

Comment Technologists Sucks (Score 1) 204

The MOST basic testing on an iPhone would have caught this in 30 seconds. The MOST BASIC. We are the people who make these systems. We're the community that allows this. I'm embarrassed in 2020 to be a software engineer. This kind of rubbish is impacting people's lives seriously. When will we get a backbone as a community and start policing ourselves appropriately and stop shipping crap to the customers?!

This is 100% on us.

Comment Re:Types. Types are the missing. (Score 1) 297

That it never comes up is a serious problem. Your code is incomplete, that's math - just like climate change. You'll still be laughing at me when the flood comes and drowns you, and will be telling me still how it doesn't matter whilst your head disappears under the lake of mathematical reality. ... when Ok Boomer becomes short-hand for I'm just too lazy to actually grok the complexity of the problem space so I'm going to fire Ad Hominem attacks at you for being smarter and more experienced than me.

Comment Types. Types are the missing. (Score 3, Insightful) 297

Look, it's all very well to talk about how easy Python is, but it doesn't matter. What actually matters is how good a language is at expressing what you want the computer to do for you. We talk a lot about programming ideals, things like the SOLID principles, and Onion/Hexagonal architecture. But one of the things that's not talked about nearly enough is Category Theory, and Type Arrows. If you can't reason about what goes into a function, and what comes out of a function, then you don't have a complete way to express what you're programming about. If you can't write functions that work in an asynchronous way that are without side-effects and closures then you're going to get yourself in trouble. This pretty much rules out both Javascript and Python as complete languages. They maybe easy to work with, but they are incomplete at expressing intent, and therefore going to cause you heartache.

Comment Bashing organic vegetarians... really? (Score 1) 280

Or maybe we could focus on burning less oil and coal rather than debating the relatively small delta between organic and non-organic farming practices. How about that? Let's worry less about how we're all gonna eat organic, and maybe just STOP BURNING SHIT to power our technology and industry! Let's get our wind, solar and geothermal tech really flying and then maybe worry about farming.

Comment Re:Just stop eating animals (Score 1, Informative) 280

This is just straight up wrong info. Not one single piece of scientific research corroborates your position. Omnivores are deficient in their diet in virtually every nutrient category except protein and fat, both of which they could stand to eat much less of, which is one reason the supplement industry is so big and why most people are recommended by their doctors to take vitamins (which mostly don't work). Humans the world over have been doing fine on vegetarian and vegan diets for millennia. Half of China who don't have regular access to meat, and 1/3 of India who are vegetarian for religious reasons and chunks of Japan also.

Agree on reducing beef and pork, just it's apparent that reducing everything meat-wise is really much better for the environment when you look at carbon-per-calorie numbers, and water-per-calorie numbers. Beef is between 10x and 100x worse than most vegan alternatives.

Comment Re:This has been foreseen. (Score 1) 134

"Ultimately, the future is full of resentment and social unrest. Prepare for the worst, strive for the best."

So just like the past then...

Humans were born in the fire of struggle. We clawed our way out of Africa and tamed every environment in which we gained purchase. Ever since, human society has been locked in cycles of domination and overthrowing; what is this weird idea that this is somehow new or different. The only thing that has changed is the scale of our ability to generate conflict and destruction.

Comment Human agency... it's served us so well... oh wait. (Score 1) 134

Human agency is killing our planet. Has created the very capitalism that many posters are decrying. Has kept billons poor and suffering. Honestly, if you look at the data, we're not fit to have that kind of agency in a modern world. We did not evolve to be able to effectively manage thousands of employees. We didn't evolve to handle the responsibility of the life or death of the entire planetary ecosystem. Humanity is demonstrating again and again and again that we are cruel, vicious, callous and irresponsible with the resources our intelligence has afforded us. That most of us are cowards who don't stand up for what we know is right and allow society to run us over. We have this amazing power to create and what do we do with it? Create countries that separate people, jobs that enslave people, debt that crushes people. Perhaps a few more statistics would be good for us. Perhaps we can even reach a state where sufficient automation makes all of that enslavement unnecessary, and people can live free from the need to pick thousands of oranges a day, shuffle boxes in warehouses, stock shelves and instead will be free to dream, to create and to reach for the stars. True power comes not from manipulating and controlling others into doing back-breaking work for tiny wages, but instead from the creation of vision, the sharing of that vision with others and the coming together to fulfill it! The statistics and automation are just another tool we can leverage to create the world we want. Let's be careful what we wish for; because as our power and reach grow, we will inevitably end up with exactly the world we created for ourselves. How many are truly ready for the responsibility of that?

Comment Other Options... yes I know... (Score 1) 151

Given the crowd, I think HiFi format should have been an option really. Plenty of us use FLAC, or DSD or other HiFi formats. Heck some of us even play for Tidal to stream music at CD or Master quality, so the options given aren't even orthogonal and mutually exclusive.

The there's the issue that even if you're using FLAC, and bluetooth headphones, you're not actually getting FLAC, you're getting AAC, or SBC or the hi fidelity whatsit format that I temporarily forgot that's also lossy.

DSD/SACD/DVD-A when at home and listening to something classical that I know personally from performing it and I have a Disc
FLAC/DSD if I have a lossless digital version (this is less common because there's no really good centralized service for managing this. I wish iTunes didn't down-convert my lossless files to the cloud!!)
Tidal for streaming when available at either CD or Master quality
iTunes for my personal collection if it's not on Tidal or I'm feeling lazy or it's downloaded play lists from BeatPort that are AIFF.
Spotify occasionally if I'm on PlayStation, or I'm using a community generated Play List
YouTube if it's a live stream like ASOT if it's casual streaming for an EDM genre.
Ableton is it's my music :D

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