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Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 2219

That the current "Beta" incarnation shows horrible judgement and lack of basic understanding of the slashdot audience. Think about that.

Who the fuck takes the audience into consideration when designing a website??? That's crazy talk!! No, the way to do it is to just decide that this is the way it's going to be and if our audience doesn't like it, then fuck 'em! That's the principle Digg used when they started making changes to their site back in the day, and it seemed to work out fine for them.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 2219

This shortcoming was recognized and pointed out again and again back in October when they revealed the beta. Now here we sit five months on with the same problems.

But...but...they're LISTENING. Timothy PROMISES!

Hell, AFAICT, the beta hasn't really changed at all since it launched. If they've changed anything (based on input or otherwise), I can't see it. For all that "We're listening to you" horseshit, I would like to know if they've even changed one damn thing. I bet they paid a contractor to design it and don't even have him working on it anymore (except maybe for maintenance).

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 2219

First, thanks to timothy for reaching out like this

He's not reaching out. Read his post more carefully. It says nothing. It's a long-winded equivalent of a form letter that says "Dear valued customer: We take customer complaints very seriously and also value your suggestions. We always take our customers' valuable input into consideration. Thank you for shopping at Walmart!" Notices that he promises nothing, refuses to back down on abolishing Classic, and basically just says "Yeah, we're listening, honest--now STFU."

Comment You're so full of shit, timothy (Score 1) 2219

Plenty of people have complained that there is no way in the beta to see a simple list of a user's comments (with replies and mods), the way you can in Classic. This makes it very difficult to follow long-term discussions or even respond to replies. Now the functionality is clearly THERE (since you can do this in Classic). So someone has clearly made the decision to NOT include it in the beta.

Lots of people have complained about this and other issue. Nothing has changed. In fact, AFAICT, not a single thing about the beta has been changed since I first tried it out months ago.

You have clearly NOT listened to us. And I doubt you have any intentions of EVER listening to us. And your bullshit post is the most verbose pile of shit that says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that I have read in a long time. Allow me to summarize, for those who don't wish to read a huge paragraph of unadulterated horseshit:

Hey guys, stop throwing stuff at me, please! We're listening, I promise. And while I'm not promising do change anything, or do anything differently at all really; I really wish you would stop all this protesting and whining! I promise we're listening, and your suggestions will be put right here in File 13, where we will give them due consideration--before doing what we planned to all along anyway.

Comment Re:Sorry, I just don't get what you are ranting ab (Score 2, Insightful) 221

That's one of the real nasty bits of it. Any kind of long-lasting discussion is out of the question. Some of the best threads I've ever seen on /. came from deep, ongoing discussions between knowledgeable people. The beta makes it difficult to have any real back-and-forth.

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