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Comment Re:Screw you, anonymous! (Score 1) 239

I,m sorry that your mind is stuck in such a literal place. Fact: Sony was not hacked for any tangible value, but to make a point. To send a message to all companies that they better conform to Anonymous standards or face an attack of their own. This is a political message. Violence: you cannot deny thT this was an attack on Sony. There's no blood on the floor, but it's still a forceful appropriation. So I stand by my statement that it is a terrorist act. I suppose you could add an additional clause for. The definition of terrorist. It would have to be perpetrated by a non-sovereign entity.

Comment Re:Screw you, anonymous! (Score 1) 239

Terrorism is the proper word here. Terrorism is the attemp at political change through violent means. Their goal w not to steal the credentials for themselves. They don't even want them. Their goal wS to send a message that other companies better watch out and behave, or else they'll end up like Sony. And yes, hacking in and stealing private information is violent. Cyber-violent. I assume you wont reply to this, which I take as concurrence.

Comment Re:Probably right (Score 1) 362

don't be obtuse. what you describe is really meant as rounded corners with radii of a milimeter. here we're talking about an aesthetic desicn of rounded corners with a radius of a half inch. there's no technical reason for this. in fact, the most convenient shape for a tablet, so that it can fit in your pocket as the lawyer says, is for it to be suppository shape like my pos android phone.

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