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Comment We don't have anything. (Score 1) 320

We don't have any management or service boxes. Everything is appliances (cisco/HP) or off site (exchange, CRM). Our AD servers act as the time servers for the hosting environment. We don't want to manage anything else as it all takes away from the bottom line and eats fairly expensive rack space.

Comment Re:Already here, kinda (Score 1) 285

Most of those cores are DSPs. x86 variants are crap for DSP related operations. TBH x86 is crappy for pretty much everything.

The way we should be going is reconfigurable logic. For example when an mp3 is played, the device is reconfigured to contain a hardware codec. This can work on an async clock so it will only tick on data availability. When it's not being played, it turns of the macrocells that it was built on. There should be analogue and digital macrocells which can take on the RF and computational duties respectively.

The problem is that this is hard.

Comment Anonymise the details and stick it on pastebin (Score 1) 168

Move hosts, leave it a few weeks, then anonymise the details and stick it on pastebin. Don't leave a trace. Seriously, just do this. Most shared hosting companies don't give a shit about their customers so you're not going to get anywhere by telling them other than a legal case filed against you.

Comment Re:Why do people go.. (Score 1) 313

It used to be for the free merchandise that people went there. Now it's because people are just mental.

Back in the early 90's my father used to go to CeBit wearing a tidy suit with a pocket full of fake business cards. You'd be surprised at the stuff he screwed out of people by looking the part. That was why people went. Not to look at the new products, which were mainly crap.

Now it is Stevie B's sweaty ape-like figure prancing across the stage link a baboon with hemorrhoids after a vindaloo which drooling dropped mouths foam at the prospect of another half finished fad that probably won't sell because someone will sue them off the planet for it being round or something within the week.

Comment No surprise. Similar issue with chip and pin (Score 2) 83

In the UK, we have to suffer chip and pin which is just as flawed. The pin is copied to the device and validated there rather than hashed and sent off for a Boolean "yes/no" answer. So the chip and pin reader at any point in time may have active memory which references the card id and the pin number. Utterly stupid.

Comment Re:Oracle is much less relevant than open-source. (Score 1) 182

Yes I understand that. We have run our large financial sector web application with *zero* downtime for over 7 years. This is all down to application architecture and failure planning and mitigation rather than spending money on Oracle. We have half of the service model hosts running on a SQL 2005 cluster and half on SQL 2008 R2. We can upgrade/swap each of these out with zero downtime at the *application level*.

Comment Re:Win 8 GUI is suffocating (Score 1) 182

Yeah sorry. Here you go: win+d and I'm back to my desktop with visual studio and SQL management studio doing 'real work' as you call it. Same with office. Oh and back to JIRA: no alt tabbing to the window: winkey then type jira and I'm there. Need both? Jira (via ie) gets docked on the right of my second monitor. Its like unity on Ubuntu but not shit.

Comment Re:-1 paid chill (Score 1) 182

Certainly not a shill. I mean you could be a paid shill from apple couldn't you? I just rather like it because for once they managed to make windows work properly. I've been plagued for years with shit that doesn't work from Microsoft. This just ain't one of those things, which to be honest surprises the crap out of me. CP was a turd but RTM with the recent app updates is spot on. Bear in mind I'm running it on proper kit (Sony 22" AIO touch screen).

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