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Comment Re:Fuck you (Score 1) 1198

Go read the manifesto, it's completely batshit crazy and either Chu didn't read it or he's lying through his teeth. Rodgers talks about hate the whole notion of sex and removing the whole concept from the human experience, reducing women to a fraction of the population and hiding them away from all men, using them only for reproduction via artificial insemination. I don't know who you hang out with but I wouldn't exactly call that typical.

Comment Re:forever actually (Score 4, Insightful) 1198

Seriously, the notion of rape culture is the most absurd and ignorant thing for anyone to suggest. If you are accused of rape publicly, every non sociopathic man and woman will scorn you forever, you'll lose your job, your friends and there's a good chance of mob justice taking you out before the legal system can if you aren't locked up right away. If you are convicted, the notion of rape being wrong is so innate that the murders and serial killers in jail will single you out as subhuman and likely take your life before long. To suggest that most men think rape is acceptable is to suggest most men don't have this same innate moral sense that you do. You have to convince your self that the majority of the male population is subhuman to hold the belief.

Comment Re:Squatting (Score 1) 427

You are incredibly naive. Non residential parking is not a service that sells itself. Parking is a service that facilitates getting to another service and when you mess with it you disrupt those services. When transportation costs get prohibitive it hurts business. Higher parking costs can price certain demographics out of an area which means businesses that target lower income consumers get hurt. There's a knock on effect that increases off road parking when street parking becomes more expensive because demand for it increases as the other becomes more scarce. Workers start to get priced out of certain areas when the cost of transportation makes their net income from their jobs lower.

Comment Re:Squatting (Score 1) 427

Not even fucking close. This is an app that creates an artificial scarcity by encouraging anyone who has a parking spot to sit on it until they can sell it to someone else. If they can give up the parking space then they've done their business and don't need it any longer. Without the app the person would just have left and anyone could come along and use it.

Comment Re:Not unless we have a space elevator (Score 1) 230

It would be super useful for establishing a power network for orbiting stations and possibly future moon bases. If we wanted to do any kind of fabrication in space or on the moon or to provide power for an ion engine we could just attach a microwave receiver to the vessel or station and viola, easy power without all the weight. For any very high energy intensive task you wouldn't need that level of power all the time, so it makes sense to make a dedicated installation for it and be able to beam it where it's needed.

Comment Aw, poor widdle white man. (Score 1, Troll) 410

It's always fun to skim the comments on stories like these to see the privileged white libertarians rage and educate us on what real racism is. As if this somehow is equivalent to all the disadvantages that race actually do play a part in. It's amusing how quickly "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" doesn't apply anymore the instant you encounter a situation where your merit alone doesn't determine the outcome, just like everyone else has to deal with.

Comment This isn't news... (Score 5, Insightful) 216

Until we hear about this actually holding up in court, which I highly doubt it will. Large companies are preemptively covering their asses in any way they can by flinging shit against the wall and seeing what sticks. I imagine that they've done this in several other ways that also wouldn't be likely to stand up in court, but if any one method does, then the payoff is huge so it makes sense to do it.

Comment Re:Study slightly flawed (Score 1) 103

Exactly, if you tracked the shooting percentages of high school varsity basketball players you might conclude that freshman year of college is the peak potential for a basketball player. 99% of those high school players won't play starter positions in college and those that even make it on the team might pursue other goals instead of basketball if they don't think they can make it professionally. After college a majority of the successful college players still won't make it professionally. If you followed the data blindly you'd be betting on 19 year olds to beat Lebron James in a 1 on 1.

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