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Comment Re:And storage? (Score 1) 93

452 MW of solar panels. No mention in the article of storage. But surely, they must have also built some storage to go along with that, right?

Of course they have energy storage.

Some form of storage is a given these days. It can double the profit of the farm.

OTOH this is Texas, so... maybe they sell the midday excess to Bitcoin miners instead of doing something useful with it

Comment Re:Anything else to do? (Score 2, Interesting) 53

"The DSA imposes a set of strict requirements designed to keep internet users safe online, including making it easier to report counterfeit or unsafe goods or flag harmful or illegal content like hate speech..."

The whole thrust is to censor speech that is not appreciated by the rich and powerful. Need I remind everyone that freedom of speech is indivisible, and that without freedom of speech there can be no freedom at all?

The concept of "hate speech" is utterly absurd. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me". Every individual person is wholly responsible for his or her conduct. Illegal or harmful acts cannot be excused or mitigated by the plea that they are inspired by "hate speech".

Comment Re:Exploit in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... (Score 4, Insightful) 146

Yep, the problem is they'll want you to pay before you get to see the content.

And the content will be crap.

All those garbage, link-farmed, SEOed pages that flood google right now? You'll be paying for the privilege of swearing at them.

(if you're stupid enough to sign up for this)

Comment Re:They Don't Really Work Everywhere (Score 1) 209

If these states want more heat pumps, and more electric cars on top, then they need to think real hard on where that electricity is going to come from.

Precisely. What's more, any realistic evaluation also needs to take into account the true costs of each system, which means adding in the costs of subsidies. I notice that the article quotes someone talking about "clean" (electric) versus "dirty" energy. By no stretch of the imagination can renewables be termed "clean" and fossil fuels "dirty". CO2 is essential for all life, and the slightly greater atmospheric CO2 levels recently have produced a boom in growth of all plants - notably crops and forests.

Comment Re:They Don't Really Work Everywhere (Score 1, Interesting) 209

We live in southern England, which is very moderate - rarely below freezing, and then not for long. When we visited friends who were very proud of their new heat pump (and electric car) we felt quite chilly - and this was in spring. They are fairly well off, so can probably afford to boost their heatin when they get round to noticing that it's not quite up to par.

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