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Comment Re:The World (Score 0) 208

It's pretty definitive that all governments are shit and horrible to not only the populations of other countries, but their own.

Are you saying that all governments are terrible and therefor the horrors of China are without relevance? The Cultural Revolution kill between 0.5 - 2 million people. A close relative of mine was on business trip to Beijing at that time and fled to Hong Kong after a couple of months, after finding dead bodies in the Hotel's restaurant.

There is a huge difference between authoritarian regimes and democracies, in lots of ways: minority rights, free elections, free press and speech, etc.

Even within democracies there are significant differences,. and differences in how people perceive democracy.

And studies of all this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

Comment Re:Equality (Score 1) 191

I don't think so, but maybe I'm wrong? Here are plenty of world statistics for most countries:

Numbers from the World Bank Group for 2021 for the world average are:
Life expectancy = 71.33
Male life expectancy = 68.89
Female average expectancy = 73.95
Gender gap = 5.06

For the US:
Life expectancy = 76.33
Male life expectancy = 73.50
Female average expectancy = 79.30
Gender gap = 5.80

There are lots of more numbers to digest, for those eager. Meanwhile maybe I should move to Hong Kong?

Comment Re:I mean, that's one, very narrow, definition (Score 1) 148

but EV sales are dropping and are still less than 1% of car sales overall

Don't know why you are downplaying EVs. The growth of sales of all-electric (BEV) and plug-in hybrid vehicles on the world market during the first half of 2023 was 40%. BEV sales during Q2 2023 grew by 50% and was 10% of the world's vehicle market. And the current market share of xEV is about 18%. Tesla remains the largest seller of BEVs, but it's dominant position is declining.

That said the decline of capitalism is nonsense. Most of the economies are mixed economies that combine a free market with state intervention. But there is a serious discussion that should be had about how automation and IT will and has effected global production, jobs and power.

Comment Re:Is this disinformation? (Score 1) 384

Global sales of BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles) and PHEVs (Plug-in Hybrids) have grown by 40% the first half of 2023.
The growth in Europe was 28% to a market share of 17%.
The growth in China was 37% to a market share of 5.2%.
The growth in US and Canada was 50% to a market share of 12%.

The largest manufacturers are in order: BYD (Chinese), Tesla and VW Group.

Comment Re:Unsustainable (Score 2) 224

Just a minor point. This posting is about the "nation's swelling debt repayment" and states that it had swelled beyond 1 trillion.
There is a difference between dept end deficit.
The deficit is the spending minus the income (taxes), and that is over 1.7 trillion in 2023, which is lower than in 2020. Here is yearly deficit curve: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/se... One can see that 2023 is a bit worse than 2022 but has gotten better during 2021 and 2022. Historically the US had it's highest deficit percentage during WW1 and WW2.
The national debt is the sum of yearly deficits over time, and that is approaching the current max of $31.38 trillion.

Comment Re:Sequence (Score 4, Informative) 10

My comment was written with a bit of humor, but yes.
Einstein introduced the constant to make general relativity work in a static universe.
Then along comes Hubble and shows that the universe is expanding, so the constant was not necessary. It doesn't even lead to a static universe.
But now we need the constant again because the universe is not just expanding, but expanding at an accelerating rate.

Comment Sequence (Score 4, Informative) 10

1917 Einstein proposes the cosmological constant.
1929 Edwin Hubble discovers the expansion of the universe.
1931 Einstein abandons the constant and calls it “my biggest blunder”.
1998 Astronomers measure the accelerated expansion of the universe implying a positive cosmological constant, possibly caused by the mysterious dark energy.

Comment World Standard Time or Local Time? (Score 1) 241

It is easy to take world standard time for granted.

Before 1883, towns across the nation set their own times by observing the position of the sun, so there were hundreds of local times. Instead of Eastern Standard Time, for example, there was Philadelphia Standard Time or Charleston Standard Time.

A short fascinating article about the history of standard time and DST: https://americanhistory.si.edu...

Comment Re:Pot, Meet Kettle (Score 2, Informative) 123

Oh come on! The BBC is primarily funded by a television license for £159 a year. And the BBC and other similar organizations in other countries have strong rules about impartiality.

You might want to check out the Reporters Without Borders RWB/RSF's Press Freedom Index for different countries.
See: https://rsf.org/en/index
Norway comes in first place and the USA in 45th place.

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