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Comment Re:Worthless (Score 1) 45

I think the US should absolutely have such a thing and invest in American companies but this is politically unviable unfortunately even though we have some in a backhanded type of way.

But this is something that we ABSOLUTELY must do. Far too often we have allowed technology to flow elsewhere because private investors in America were short sighted. We need long-term investments for America's future.

If you want harsher laws against outsourcing and foreign ownership I am onboard 100% but I have my doubts if real laws like that are going to make it out of what seems like a forever split Congress. The fact the CHIPS act got passed is still good, we gotta work for what we can get realistically and use that to justify better in the future.

Nope. I am 100% against BOTH of these. We have several big issues that actually cause all of our downfalls. In addition, to corrupt politicians being bought and the others doing nothing about it (can not believe that ANY CONgress critter is in Trump's courtroom right now):
1) reagan changed tax structures so that instead of every $ obtained was taxed the same, he taxed them differently, as well as pushed some of the worst write-offs that has lead to CONgress giving friends write-offs. All of that has to stop.
2) again, reagan, pushed paying Executives with low/no tax stock/options. THis lead to the likes of GE Welch, Bell labs/HP Fiorina (I worked at both when that GD C*&T destroyed each of those), Boeing's Calhoun and previous CEOs for the previous 20 years, etc. to offshoring.
3) W's withholding taxation of coporations that move operations off-shore.

All of these are what has destroyed our economy.

We need to change all of this.

BTW, pay attention to presidential candidate 'Literally Anybody Else'. Good things are coming. :)

Comment Nothing revolutionary here (Score 1) 80

Back in the 80s, I lost a grade for arguing with a prof in class over this. Clear back then, the argument was less than 5% coded or did any work. Yet, that argument flies in the face of how efficient/effective life is. Plants, animals, etc are extremely efficient. We save off extra energy as fat for long-term storage. But animals like bears, whales, etc took it even further and use it as insulation. Why? Efficiency.

The ONlY dead / unused parts of DNA are going to turn out to virus that inserted into the wrong places within a chromosome ( which is likely where a number of our cancers come from I.e. virus not inserting into the area they needed/âwantedâ(TM) ). Yeah

Comment Re:Worthless (Score 1) 45

Yeah, my point is that we do NOT want to subsidize. Why not? Look at subsidies for land-based wind. It was supposed to die off after 10 years. Then it was extended to be until land-based wind was profitable on its own, WHICH IT IS. Yet, CONgress extended it. We are wasting billions of $$$$ on subsidies.

What is needed is to allocate some 2-4B from the 50B, and spend 1-2B on just start-ups that produce end-products that we can sell to consumers as well as others that can be used in local manufacturing. The money is invested into the companies, and then once the company IPOs, then we sell our stock in the company (yes, some will go under).
Note that was less than 1/2 of the $ allocated. What is the other half used for? To fill in production of parts that we are missing to build these products. If we can buy the parts from allies, then we should do so. However, if it means coming from China or neutral nations, then we need to re-start that production and see to it that these flow to the above mentioned products.

This can not be about subsidies, but needs to be about restarting the lines that are needed to take on the Chinese juggernaut (economic and military).

Comment Re:Worthless (Score 1) 45

Obviously, you have not a clue. The 120M was from the 50B fund. The chip production would have been moved to S. Korea or Japan due to their owning it and wanting to keep production in their own nation.
The problem is that the 50B that meant to restart America's electronics is being poorly used. Much of the chips manufactured in America ARE exported to ..... CHINA. So, since this 120M was from the 50B fund, then it made speaking about how worthless the 50B fund is.

Comment Worthless (Score 1) 45

Seriously, the 50+B that Biden/Goon squad are spending on foundaries is absolutely WORTHLESS. Why? Because China will simply block imports from here, as well as block various supplies to these companies.

What is needed is to spend some of this money on :
Board making.
New end products from new start-ups that use these chips. Why new start-ups? So that they grow with these chips production.

$1-$4B spent on this would be far far more useful then simply giving more to Intel, etc.

Comment Not just Solar Storms (Score 1) 100

Multiple nations are targeting GPS and Western Communications (this is why N. Korea, Iran, Russia, and China are FURIOUS with Starlink and others; impossible to take them out). As such, it is foolish to develop equipment that depend 100% on GPS. Tractors? Aircraft? Boats? It is a mistake to depend on these.

Comment Already did once (Score 1) 42

Before W, America was using Stem cells to work on various things. In particular, a group at CU injected on the pancreas where a patients islet had stopped, and it WORKED. It started producing insulin. IIRC, part of the trick was that it had been a functioning islet, as opposed to someone born without it.

Comment Re:This is stupid and worthless (Score 1) 268

Oh, we need to continue to drop, BUT, what is needed is for the west to get all of the other nations to stop growing theirs. I've never said otherwise
The only problem is that we MUST get all other nations to quit growing theirs. Even stable is better than not.

The only way to do that is to put a tax on all good/service based on where the item AND all of the parts/Service and sub-service come from. Once you do that, and base it solely on direction, companies will either push nations to change directions quickly, OR they will quit buying/working in those nations.
That would stop the growth unlike the BS that UN is doing.

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