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Comment Re:Why? (Score 3, Informative) 67

From the Wikipedia entry:

"Suitable sites for the SKA telescope need to be in unpopulated areas with guaranteed very low levels of man-made radio interference. Four sites were initially proposed in South Africa, Australia, Argentina and China.[16] After considerable site evaluation surveys, Argentina and China were dropped and the other two sites were shortlisted (with New Zealand joining the Australian bid, and 8 other African countries joining the South African bid):"

Comment Re:Standard Scientology practice (Score 1) 628

I'm not sure how you got psychopathic from my statement. I'm an atheist and as such I see that the core belief tenants of Scientology are no less ridiculous than those of other religions. Scientology is to Judeo-Christianity is as pulp scifi is to fantasy, stylistically different but equally unlikely.

So some governments have classified them as a cult. So what? Christianity was classified as a cult once upon a time as well. All religions that I'm aware of start off as small cults. True, the leadership of Scientology have done some very detestable things, but what religion isn't guilty of this at some point of its history?

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