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Comment Bad idea (Score 3, Insightful) 997

That's not the worst idea in the history of bad ideas, but it's pretty bad. Beyond somewhere between 4-6 hours of productive mental work per day, the brain gets tired and your attention and focus goes to hell. Most of us fill out the rest of the day with non-demanding stuff like reading e-mail, gossiping with our coworkers, surfing the Internet, doing paperwork, etc. Push people to work 10+ hours a day and I predict that (a) your best people will suddenly find a job somewhere else, and (b) those remaining will actually slow the project down because of extra bugs and other lost productivity due to mistakes. Or (c), you will ship a bug-riddled, barely-working mess more or less on schedule, like a certain game company is notorious for doing. And lets not forget (d) disgruntled, overworked programmer sells your IP to his new employer or creatively re-arranges your development servers.

Personally, I wish we'd move to either 6-hour work days or a 4 day work-week. I'd rather have the extra day off than fake working for about 10 hours of the week (that 2 hours of the day where I can't concentrate on productive work any more and do mindless crap).

Comment Re:I'm Surprised He's in Good Health (Score 1) 225

You want big red behavioral warning flags? A really big one?

Dehumanizing other people in order to justify exterminating them is #1.

Sociopaths have caused far less evil throughout history than fanatic idealists have. Sociopaths stop at "What benefits ME, personally"; idealists can rationalize mass murder and genocide in the name of their ideals.

By the way, calling politicians you don't like "psychopaths", which you claim are inhuman monsters deserving of death, sounds just a bit over the line of reason to me.

Comment Re:Reminds me of that AISD teacher Karen (Score 2, Interesting) 290

Well, if you follow the blogs of the first-round of commentators, they dug up some local newspaper articles with her name on them. Seems she's in and out of the local small-town politics, holding various town and county positions... and has the same stupid, defensive attitude when she performs badly there, too.

Comment Re:The metal looks meteoric guys. (Score 1) 250

Could be iron slag, too, or weathered ferrous minerals as noted above. If he's in the Tennessee area, they've got both sinkholes and old iron workings in various parts of the state--I can find old iron slag from 18th & 19th century iron furnaces just walking the creek in Montgomery Bell State Park, for instance. If you're not familiar with it, slag looks rather mysterious--half-melted, glassy, and rusty all at once.

Comment Re:Well shit (Score 1) 401

I have not played FFXI or FFXIV, but I play Everquest 1. Except for graphics , it sounds like this game would fail next to today's EQ1. (EQ has been quietly evolving over time, picking up useful features from other games. It's not the game you or your parents played in 1999).

Their Market area with retainers sounds as retarded as EQ's Bazaar (I have to keep to a character logged-in to sell stuff? WTF?), but at least EQ's bazaar has a good solid Search function. EQ also was one of the first MMORPGs to introduced custom UIs; for a game not to have a customizable UI isn't promising. Even EVE lets me change color schemes and scale fonts! (EVE also has a menu-happy interface, but it works in EVE, possibly because all the click-delve is handled client side.)

Comment Re:Bad consequences (Score 1) 758

Actually, no. You are not required to obey an uncontitutional law; it is established principle that the moment a law is stricken down as unconstitutional, it becomes "null and void", as if it had never been passed. You cannot be punished for violating a law that does not exist, so any penalties that were applied have to be reversed, any convictions nullified, etc.

Of course, if the law you are not obeying ISN'T struck down as being unconstitutional, you could be screwed. It also sucks being the test case, too, since they can't give you back the lifespan wasted. But, in principle, you do not and should not have to obey an unconstitutional law.

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