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Comment Re:This stunt by Apple (Score 1) 743

If you're going to make a claim like that, you might want to spare thirty seconds to check out the actual web sites.

US Site: No picture scaling
UK Site: Picture scales to hide the bottom of the page. I had to turn my monitor on its side, making it 1920 pixels tall, in order to get the notice to appear.

I really don't understand how some people think they can get away with such obvious lies on the internet. Do they really think that not a single person will bother to check?

following the links above I have to scroll *farther* to see the bottom of the page on the US site. damage control, geo-location or ???

Comment Re:Impact energy not the same for small objects (Score 1) 186

AIUI, you assume wrong. The horse's terminal velocity is considerably higer (and considerably more terminal) than that of the mouse.

and thus you strengthen his point. The mouse wins with conservative estimates. The mouse wins by more when you take into account more detailed explanations.
Maybe he should have said "even if you assume..."

Comment Re:Quiet? Lonely? (Score 1) 110

Of course, the cons scrapped the gun registry, which was the *other* law that got changed as a result of that event.

I believe it was the long gun registry that got scrapped. i.e. rifles and shotguns. Regulations on restricted weapons and hand guns were not changed. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Firearms_Registry) Long guns are just not the weapon of choice for your average massacre.

Submission + - Walmart Is Where The Unbanked Shop And Why It Matters (forbes.com)

VOUGHT456 writes: "The correlation between the poor and access to technology is no longer applicable. Hartung wonders why any shopper with access to a computer would bother to then go to a store. But a personal computer isn’t the only way to get online and even some homeless are now carrying smartphones. Wifi hotspots are blanketing the nation and it’s not even necessary to have a pricey data plan to browse and buy online. Pay as you go plans are readily available and allow subscribers to walk into any carrier store and pay each month, with cash."

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 138

It's unlikely that a would-be assassin will learning the art of medical implant hacking in assassin school on the off chance that he'll one day have a target who just happens to have such an implant.

many implants are expensive, and I suspect there is a strong correlation, at least in some countries, between "has more money/power than average" and "more likely to have implants". Therefore, you are learning an attack against a group that self-selects to be a more tempting target, for either extortion or assassination.

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