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Comment Re:Okay... and? (Score 1) 316

Which of course sucks... American individuals have to pay taxes on money they earn living outside the border. Why shouldn't these people? Don't answer, the question is rhetorical. If they want to be an American corporation, they should pay American taxes. But... we will do nothing to elect people that would write the appropriate laws. Therefore this article is meaningless. Nothing will come of it, except some advertising revenue.

Not necessarily, if you live abroad and pay taxes elsewhere you can claim the foreign income tax credit and forego paying up to $97K or so of taxable income in the U.S.

"If you are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien of the United States and you live abroad, you are taxed on your worldwide income. However, you may qualify to exclude from income up to $97,600 of your foreign earnings. In addition, you can exclude or deduct certain foreign housing amounts. See Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and Foreign Housing Exclusion and Deduction, later. "

Comment Re:About time. (Score 5, Informative) 125

As of this posting it doesn't look like Scientific Linux has released an EL7 version yet.
Given the announcement earlier this year about greater collaboration between Red Hat and CentOS communities you'll most likely see more up to date releases and errata from CentOS than Scientific Linux I would imagine:

Comment XFCE stays out of my way. (Score 2) 611

Used almost every DE since 1998 or so, flopped between KDE and GNOME.
Moved to blackbox, then fluxbox for several years, back to KDE 3.x
Moved back to XFCE around the 4.6.x days and never left.

Occasionally I'll go back and try new things but nothing seems to fit as well as XFCE.
Fast, stable, stays out of my way with little changes over time - only small feature enhancements and bug fixes.
I prefer a "classic" experience, but it still needs to be functional and look decent. I've found XFCE + Compiz + Emerald Window Decorator
the trinity for me.

Comment Re:Slow follower (Score 1) 179

The way things are moving, is that the "desktop" will be gone from all but high-end gaming/workstation systems, at some point you will only be able to build a gaming rig from the same parts as a workstation/server, as the desktop computer will be gone, replaced with ultrabook/surface/all-in-one devices. Apple already knows this. That's why you never ever saw an apple desktop, They were either laptops/laptop-all-in-one(iMac) or workstations.

The thing that kinda makes me laugh and cry at the same time is that the Xbone and the PS4 are basically substandard PC's, but they will be the baseline for all new games, which means 90% of the crap desktops and laptops sold (anything that uses Intel's video parts) will need to be thrown away if they are being used as gaming machines. People will just not play those games on the PC, and won't upgrade their desktops/laptops when they can buy a PS4 for cheap.

People have been saying this for the last decade, and it's much akin to the 'Year of the Linux Desktop' prophecies in terms of believability. You'll need to do better to support this view besides "Because Apple did it".

Comment Re:Xero! (Score 1) 263

Hey All,
Since I am a big fan of the company that I work for, check this out!
We are hiring, and we offer awesome bennies/salary and we have a very vibe culture. Looking for devs, engineers, etc.

"Bennies" is only 1 letter short of "benefits", why abbreviate this? What's a "vibe" culture? It's cutesy reasons like this (and the fact you're spamming as AC) that you probably aren't going to get much interest, I certainly wouldn't take a second look at this organization after reading this.

Comment Linkedin, good for unsolicited sales pings (Score 1) 164

I've gotten quite a bit more unsolicited vendor contact which I can almost surely pinpoint to linkedin.
Aggressive sales folk have figured out most companies email addresses are first letter of first name, last name.
If yours fits in under the normal kerberos/(open)LDAP limitations.. yep, you can ascertain my work email.

I usually get a few a day, and digging through to the HTML link to unsubscribe seems to do nothing to fight
the overwhelming wave of incoming bothers. Most of these solicitations seem to be auto-scraped and generated,
for example any simple review of my profile would see I'm not interested in Microsoft solutions.. or they are not relevant
to my job function, seemingly to only generated by a keyword or two.

Comment Re:My theory (Score 1) 1010

There hasn't been a damn thing in the last several years worth upgrading for. Gamers and developers aside, there has been nothing at all interesting happening in the PC world.

I'm still on a 2.0ghz C2D laptop and had no intention of upgrading anytime soon.

The introduction of consumer SATA disks with perpendicular recording has gone a long way in providing much larger capacity, though I tend to agree with this statement otherwise.

Data Storage

ZFS Hits an Important Milestone, Version 0.6.1 Released 99

sfcrazy writes "ZFS on Linux has reached what Brian Behlendorf calls an important milestone with the official 0.6.1 release. Version 0.6.1 not only brings the usual bug fixes but also introduces a new property called 'snapdev.' Brian explains, 'The snapdev property was introduced to control the visibility of zvol snapshot devices and may be set to either visible or hidden. When set to hidden, which is the default, zvol snapshot devices will not be created under /dev/. To gain access to these devices the property must be set to visible. This behavior is analogous to the existing snapdir property.'"

Comment Re:ZFS boot support (Score 1) 58

stable and installer supported ZFS boot support for the / volume.

It's definitely stable (running 9.1-RELEASE here in a few places) but not in the installer until later.
Setting up a ZFS / install now isn't too difficult but does require using a livecd.
There is a great thread covering it from many angles here, including HD encryption.

One thing I did here was go upwards of 50-60G for root, I find the 10g or 20g in the
examples isn't sufficient for keeping full /usr/src and /usr/ports populated + port builds.

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