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Comment Re:The problem with 2001 and Avatar (Score 1) 309

As for 2001, at least it watches like it was written by people with brains. Indeed, it's one of the most well-thought through films I've watched. Unfortunately it's also deathly boring and the pointless trippy shit at the end, doubtless just pandering to the times, completely ruins it. I could very happily take a knife to 2001 and trim 90 flabby minutes from it and end up with a reasonably tight, albeit still rather dull, film. 2001 deserved as many technical Oscars as it could get, and if they had a "scientific veracity in science-fiction" category then it would be a well-deserved winner, but best film? Not a chance.

Seriously. This.
Thanks, somebody had to say it.
I enjoyed reading 2001 immensively and really appreciated the whole left turn Clarke threw into the idea of human evolution both past and future. But the movie? No. Sorry, but the movie really begins when they are on their way to Jupiter. The previous bit is just head scratching filler.
I guess I'm not properly schooled to appreciate it. This is the text book example of why you have to throw some characters or something relate-able into a movie rather than just relying on long visuals. Maybe something was lost on me by not being part of the movie going generation of that time: like someone today seeing SW:ANH for the first time instead of back in 77 when it wowed an entire generation - despite being a very basic plot film.

Comment Re:It's not a choice (Score 2) 728

That doesn't mean people should go out of their way to persecute such folks, but it does mean they should be kept away from positions of authority. They lack a material connection to the future, and their motives are suspect. They lack the biological mechanisms that prevent toxic decadence in a human culture.

Awesome troll.

Even the most fundamental bible thumpers I know recognize that poor child rearing(by opposite sex parents) causes its own damage to the societal fabric. Having children doesn't automatically exault you into any other status other than 'parent' and even that needs to be earned.

Comment Re:How to poke a dead body (Score 3, Insightful) 545

If 20 lines of codes is your boundary of complexity, then programming is not for you. Breaking code into screen sized 'called once' sections adds unnecessary complexity, especially if you validate your inputs(as all good programmers should).
Some things are just inheritently complex and the most efficient implementation might be rather abstract and not obvious at first. If you can't understand it at a first pass, the problem isn't necessarily the code.

Comment Re:Human Resource Management Perspective (Score 1) 469

As a Human Resource Manager I will tell you that this whole article merely displays the anti-authority attitude that many people in the IT field have. The author self-validates his own beliefs and cognitive biases by not only ignoring and fighting against his superiors, but by setting them up to fail. If the code (referred to in the article) were well written and commented, then the executive who took a programming course should have had no problem completing the task. Well written and structured code should be easy to modify and improve.

This could had been an epic troll if the AC had only posted the first paragraph.

Comment Re:Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand (Score 1) 647

I would suggest reading it simply because it's culturally relevant right now. A very vocal group of people spout philosophies based on Ayn Rand's principle of Objectivism. I don't agree with any of it, but it's good to be aware of the roots of things happening in the culture. And in another 30 years her popularity will peak again and you'll be in the know with your own opinions. She has a very interesting life story btw.

Comment Re:WoW 2.0 (Score 1) 389

If the conversation 3 choice cut-scenes are the point of the game, then indeed I am looking in the wrong place. Perhaps the choices I make now will have an impact later, but right now at level 14, they still feel hokey. Same thing with the conversation rolls during missions. We're all going down the same predetermined track, it's all a matter of nice-neutral-mean window dressing variations.
    Perhaps that's the nature of MMOs. I'll enjoy playing for a while, but this is an incremental improvement.

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