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Comment Re:Who owns the asteroid? (Score 5, Interesting) 265

The outer space treaty says that nations can't "claim ownership" of space bodies and they can't use them for weapons testing. But AFAIK that doesn't prohibit commercial exploitation of an asteroid. Whoever can catch it and start mining it has a pretty good claim to it. Who's going to stop them? And for what purpose?

A legal battle would arise if another company tried mining the same asteroid. They'd need to set up a way of staking a claim. But we're not nearly at that stage yet.

Comment Not really (Score 1) 514

"Would I be able to work with those folks in some useful capacity? Perhaps building products for foreign markets?"

I think it's easier to learn a programming language than a human language, so in practically every country you'll find people who are already fluent in their own language plus whatever programming language you know. And most of them will have learnt English since childhood.

Learn a language for fun, or if you want to see the world, but it won't tie in with your programming in any meaningful way.

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