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Comment The problem with a large number of you Americans.. (Score 2) 72

The problem with a large number of you Americans (and I say this as someone that, for the most part, likes visiting and likes the American people, it's hard to not like you when you grew up watching Back to the Future in the 80's) is that you've forgotten the lessons of your forefathers, it is the responsibility of a proud and patriotic citizen to question, criticise and shout at their governments. Crying out that if you don't all get in line then "the terrorists win" and swallowing everything your government tells you is something a stupid man does.

Comment Re:True to every corporation (Score 2) 548

You silly person. The only way to fix this is to tax the rich. Cutting spending, and spending wisely are obviously racist conspiracies.

Damn right, the poor should pay for the mistakes of the rich, right? Is that what David Cameron means when he tells the British public that "we're all in this together"? Translation, "let the poor pay the lions share."

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
