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Comment Re:1.6 ghz? (Score 5, Informative) 284

As someone with some game development experience, let me throw in some observations. (*based on the specs mentioned here).

The 3.2 Ghz Power PC CPUs in the Xbox 360 and PS3 were in-order execution units. As I remember, code on the 360 typically executed about 0.2 IPC -(Instructions per cycle), sometimes worse. The very best hand optimized assembler doing tasks like video decoding could execute about 0.9 IPC once properly cached and unrolled.

AMD and Intel have decades of R&D now into out-of-order x86 execution (the x86/x64 opcodes being translated to internal micro ops), which is a major factor in their performance. Even the Power PC G5 chip devoted a good chunk of its silicon to Out-or-order execution. The 360 and PS3 CPUs - designed almost 10 years ago - traded Out of Order execution for die size and clock speed.

The specs say that the 1.6 Ghz CPUs can issue up to 2 instructions per cycle. If real world performance works out to an IPC of 1.2 to 1.6, which seems very doable, then you will see a 3x to 4x increase in the real-world rate of instructions being performed . ( 0.2 IPC @ 3.2Ghz == 0.4 IPC @ 1.6Ghz ). This doesn't take into account any efficiency gains due to the instruction set, cache, etc.

And at the same time, I would imagine it's a whole lot easier to deal with other things on the chipsets at 1,.6Ghz than at 3.2 Ghz (mature tech and all that)

Comment Re:Please include flash! (Score 1) 181

Oh. Then there are sites that use "detection" code and won't even show you a click-to-play area on the screen. They'll simply bounce you to some error content if they fail to create the invisible flash content.

Hopefully this sort of poor behaviour is becoming rarer. Esp since Firefox on my Android tablet/phone prompts for flash too, which will hopefully drive some website awareness.

Comment Re:Please include flash! (Score 1) 181

The problem I ran into w/ FlashBlock was needing a ton of whitelisting. And for silly things even, like playing sounds.
For example, gmail would use flash (don't know if it still does) for the ping when someone sent you a chat message.
It created that invisibly, so FlashBlock didn't work - I guess prompting would, but it wasn't obvious what people were whitelisting.

Another one that did that, the game Enlightenment would use flash as a fallback after attempting HTML5 sound w/ mp3 only (no ogg fallback) so also needed manual whitelisting due to invisible content.

Again, the notification prompt in the new Mozilla interface will at least tell someone, but if they don't realise what they are whitelisting (assume it is some crappy flash ad or something) they'll get a worse experience.

So. I'm going w/ pervasiveness, and use of hidden flash for audio.

Comment Compiz shaders (Score 1) 195

They can be applied to any window w/ a key combo, and are fairly customisable.
Here's a custom one applied to Firefox, is one that preserves colours while inverting lightness.

Arbitrary tweaks of the values. Apologies for the relative unreadableness of the script (variable reuse, bad names) was just a quick implementation of:

To be actually usable for routine web browsing.

Comment Re:Traffic is *supposed to* be proxied. (Score 1) 200

Indeed, that iPhone behaviour was very irritating to me when I was travelling, and borrowed my SO's 1st gen iphone to connect to my home server to check e-mail. There was no way whatsoever to inspect the certificate, so I just had to hope the people running the network weren't evil.
Now I have an Android phone of my own, and can just run Firefox on it (love the Sync feature - saves so much time on moving browsing session from computer to phone, and when entering passwords).

Comment Re:Traffic is *supposed to* be proxied. (Score 2) 200

You don't need client side certificates to be sure in a normal situation that your traffic isn't being hijacked by the ISP.
You only need confidence that the CAs aren't issuing certs for the site you are connecting to, which is why when TURKTRUST issued a cert for google it was Big Deal.

In this case, they are using preinstalled certs on the local browsers to perform MITM when connecting to supposedly secure sites, such as your bank.

Some workplaces do this sort of cert preinstallation to allow snooping on SSL traffic passing through their proxies. Obviously same solution as with Nokia. If you don't like your private information passing in the clear through some random server controlled by your ISP or employer, quit.

Comment Re:water, not lead (Score 1) 505

Well, the lead is 11.34 times as dense as the water. So, yes, if you need 18 times as much water, then you need 1.59x as much water than you would lead, so presumably in the end, only 11.3 Saturn Vs for your lead spaceship.

On the other hand, can get water from plenty of comets out there, or a moon or two. Lead could be tricky. Not sure if saving on fuel matters that much. Water seems prettier too, and has other uses for humans as well :)

Comment Re:water, not lead (Score 1) 505

Not to mention the mass of the propellant, much less the nuclear fuel. And then there'd be the need for another 18 Saturn Vs for braking.

Unless, there's some orbit that could be managed using minimal fuel that passes both Mars and Earth regularly? :)
Then it would be "All-aboard the water bubble Mars-Earth express!" You'd only need to accelerate it once, and reuse it an unlimited number of times.

Comment Re:water, not lead (Score 1) 505

Er. 17k tonnes of fuel (that's what I get for putting a k in there).
Thaaaat's not so good. That's almost 9 Saturn V rockets worth :-/


Seems to suggest an 18:1 ratio. So, 33 metres of water, 590k tonnes of water, and almost 37k tonnes of fuel.

So, 18 Saturn Vs...

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