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Comment Re:Awesome (Score 1) 1176

because after an hour of driving you probably want to stop NOW and not in 15 minutes when the car decelerated from 30km/h to zero.. or maybe the road wasn't 100% flat, and either it didn't come to a complete stop or would have gone backward? who knows, certainly not you.. and making it a modified car for a disability, without any mention what kind of disability or what kind the modifications were done to it i wonder how so many people here can be so smart about how the car is actually supposed to work.. i can't even find a photo of the car or the ditch..

Comment Re:Isn't Some of this Stuff Sort of Nitpicking? (Score 2) 151

The man legally changed his name to Kim Dotcom

btw. has anyone an idea how/where he "legally" changed his name? most german sources still refer to him as "kim schmitz", and i have found nothing which states if he changed his name in germany or finland (as it seems he has both citizenships) .. the german wikipedia entry only refers to the name saying "In Neuseeland tritt Schmitz unter dem Namen Kim Dotcom auf" - does this mean he simply used a wrong name when entering NZ, or did he change his name in NZ, but not in finland/germany?

Comment Re:What did we do, the Lambada? (Score 1) 256

well, but your wording is really boring and useless.. it also didn't collide yesterday .. or the day before.. so it's not really the best title for news, since news shouldn't be about things which did NOT happen (there are quite a few things which did NOT happen), but about things that did happen.. so: "asteroids passed close to earth" (or did earth pass by asteroids?) = did happen.. "earth does not collide" = stuff that did not happen..

Comment Re:Is the story correct? LG says no. (Score 1) 83

i'm not sure what you are referring to, the cheapest price at your link is $549, or $99 + $2040 (i'm sure there are additional costs, i have no idea about US cellular plans, but i guess you have to pay the monthly rate... well monthly .. for the duration of the contract?).. but at least you have proven to your parent poster that the cheapest new iphone is $549, not $650


Submission + - How can Wikipedia's upcoming Visual Editor be better than other word processors? (mediawiki.org)

azadnama writes: Wikimedia Foundation, the organization behind Wikipedia, is aware of the fact the MediaWiki formatting syntax is a major obstacle for people's participation in writing on the site. To address this problem, the Foundation is developing VisualEditor—a web-based WYSIWYG interface for editing articles. It's supposed to be similar to a word processor, like LibreOffice, Microsoft Word, Pages, Google Docs, and others. And this is the time to ask: What did your word processor get wrong and how can Wikipedia's VisualEditor get it right?

Comment Re:Not decentralized enough (Score 1) 128

i guess the obvious solution, since you are creating a social network where you are connecting with friends you usually know first hand, would be to simply split up the private key into 3 or 4 parts and give them to your closest, most trusted friends.. once you lose your key, all of those 3 or 4 friends have to verify that you are actually the person you claim to be..
so if maybe with more knowledge about cryptography could answer the question if it's possible to split up a private key into multiple parts without each part lowering the security of the whole key.. that would lead to your answer :)

Comment Re:Egress checklist... (Score 1) 271

well at least the german wikipedia entry (not that i cared to check the sources) reads "Da er laut eigener Aussage Probleme damit hatte, sich unterzuordnen und dumme Befehle“ zu befolgen, wurde er als militärisch ungeeignet eingestuft und aus dem Bundesheer entlassen." (he was dismissed from the "armed forces" because, according to him, he had problems following "dumb orders" .. go figure..)

Comment Re:Mobile will destroy Google? (Score 1) 215

Locking might be a bit overstated but with android they definitively improve their services.. everyone using android will have a google wallet account, most will click that google+ signup button, add google drive to access their data - and use google talk more and more instead of texting (the last one leading to much more online google+ users) i imagine that they will actively push google+ - auto upload of photos is already more or less the default - and if you have your photos already on google+, you will use this to share them, not upload it again to facebook..
If the market share for android continous to grow like it is, their services will increasingly have more value just because more and more people are actively using them (ie don't bother to change the default settings)

Comment Re:Google Drive (Score 1) 265

the only people who don't attach them are people who want to track the views of their newsletter, so it makes sense that gmail, thunderbird, etc. won't show external images by default.. if you send a big email, include it in total, why only include half of the message.. you could just have sent a link to your website if you don't want to use email in the first place..
or, simply send out small emails without 5 MB worth of images..

Comment Re:Seriously (Score 1) 220

i just don't get statistics.. take a look at what wikipedia says:
if you look at the "Official Development Assistance by country as a percentage of Gross National Income in 2009" it draws a different picture.. GNI is different than GDP or by capita.. but anyway.. for example:
  Austria – 0.30%
  United States – 0.21%

while the GNI by capita seems pretty much comparable between US and austria: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GNI_(nominal,_Atlas_method)_per_capita
17 United States 47,390
18 Austria 47,060

(i am using austria solely because i am from austria and i never figured that we are that greedy about donations..) but anyway, those are just the first numbers i found via a google search, completely unrelated and probably not even from the same timeframe, but i'm not that sure that the US is the most perfect country in the world.. even if your source, 'american.com' tells us so?

Comment Re:I hope he realizes he did more harm than good (Score 2) 332

I hope everyone agrees that it was just wrong to talk about it in a news radio show as fact.. but his one man show/whatever can indeed make the story more engaging by displaying events.more first hand than he has really witnessed.. creative work is just there to make you think about it and find out what is true and what isn't - and to what degree.. the original radio show even had a discussion about what is known and real, and what is questionable, but it obviously didn't go far enough.. people just have to learn that news can only have one truth, while story tellers, comedians, etc can exaggerate to a degree (they definitely shouldn't lie about whats true and what isn't when asked outside their show... obviously)

Comment Re:Great but... (Score 2) 467

for me this looked like something we learned even before we wrote our first program in school at a computer.. debugging on paper..
although we had one column for each variable while the demo shows one row for each variable (in the same row as the variable is changed in the code).. so i don't think this is really that revolutionary but it would be quite cool, and maybe not that hard to implement.. simply an eclipse debug extension which when you have a breakpoint within a method, not only shows you all variables but also how they change, and allows you to change the input parameters of that method.. (would only work during debugging, since otherwise you would have to somehow initialize that class).. it's already possible to change variables in eclipse, so there must only be a way to try different input variables of the code without effecting future calls (maybe cloning the current object or forking the whole process).. too bad there are no savepoints&rollbacks in java to get back to the state when the breakpoint was invoked :)

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