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Comment Re:Pff (Score 4, Insightful) 132

Been saying lasers are cool for ages, but do they listen to me? Nooo...

So I'm out with the astronomy club with all our cool glass and tubes and stuff and have people looking at Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, M-13, fun stuff like that there. Someone asks, "Which star is Sirius?" I pull out my laser pointer and show them. Little kid says, "Whoa! That's COOL! Mom! Buy me one!"

I tell the mother, "No, do not buy him one. Laser is not toy. Can blind himself or a friend with it. Under no circumstances should you buy him a laser. Buy him a UV flashlight to look at centipedes or something."

Lasers are cool, but only for grown up kids.

Comment Re:What did you expect? (Score 5, Interesting) 268

Why would anyone ever release a bullshit FUD report?

If they release it someone could criticize it, if not they can keep making claims you can't refute.

Meanwhile, reports from the 1950's showed certain cigarettes didn't cause significant throat irritation. In other studies doctors recommended certain brands of cigarettes.

I guess it's just a matter of finding the right people to .. uh .. doctor your results.

Comment Re:Master Chief (Score 1) 82

Master Chief makes his appearance at 55 seconds into the video. If only for a second. And I'm pretty sure the "immersive" parts of it are just visual effects created for the following clip that carry over.

In their defense, it's really cool and I'm sure it's hard for even the Microsoft Research people to get access to the source code for Xbox games >.

Maybe if they knew the right people in Anonymous...

j/k ... I think.

Comment Re:All your IP is belong to us? (Score 4, Insightful) 82

More like Microsoft may see their future survival as hinging on collaboration rather than confrontation.

Lord knows they've dropped the ball, missed the bus and done everything they can to paint themselves into a corner in the past few years.

XBox was supposed to be the gateway to them providing all the information services you need in your home (like anyone really needs to live like they would in Bruce Wayne's Bat-Cave.)

Sounds rosey, but honestly the paradigm wasn't how we used information in the house, that happened over 20 years ago, it's that we take it all with us and Apple has been eating their lunch.

Comment Re:Priced themselves out of it. (Score 2) 177

You should rather ask who got a big bonus and/or a golden handshake in the meantime.

These days people like to put the success of their projects on their resume. If only prospective employers followed up on these things.

"So how did it work out?" "It was deemed a waste of resources and scrapped after they left, further it damaged team morale, which took a lot of milk and cookies to restore."

Comment Re:No, it isn't. (Score 1) 177

What are you smoking?

He or she is not smoking anything. If you are poor and you take advantage of what is out there, you can get a college education paid for. There are thousands of state, federal, charitable and private programs that help pay for education. A good academic adviser can help you get access.

Probably half of all students are already on some sort of grant, scholarship or other financial aid. I once worked with the financial aid office at a college and about half were getting at least some assistance there.

Comment Priced themselves out of it. (Score 3, Interesting) 177

Who did the marketing research and how much ganja were they smoking when they did it?

The loss on this reminds me of an ill-considered plans where I worked ages ago. Someone bought a $20,000 system and contract to move EDI packaged records between institutions around the state. I has it foisted upon me (make it work, you peon) and spent the next year chasing down contacts and attending seminars. After a year the person who "bought" the product angrily wanted to know how it was I hadn't made any headway - this because none of the other institutions ever went through on the project and it was effectively dead. Then I had the gall to ask, so how much work are we saving by doing this anyway, and found we would move about 4 records per quarter. 4. End of project. That person should have been sacked, but was promoted. Go figure.

Comment Re:Small problem (Score 5, Funny) 67

Dear Google,

How do you plan on overcoming internet dropping out for blocks around everytime someone wants to make some hot pockets?

Unregulated Spectrum

The relays will be running at enough power to cook a passing pigeon, so there's also the bonus of feeding street people nourishing hot meals.

also, if you stay in the area long enough you won't need a tanning bed!

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