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Operating Systems

Submission + - Why Linux is not an option.

Conor Turton writes: From The Inquirer , an excellent article illustrating why Linux will never be an option for most people. This is a follow on to another story on The Inq showing why Product Activation will kill Microsoft and push people to Linux . As the author points out, the rant against Microsoft's Product Activation completely misses the point — that 90% of PC users will never open their PC and use it until it dies at which point they'll just go buy another so product activation will never be an issue.

It seems to me that this is the massive point that Linux advocates seem to not understand when bleating on about Product Activation.

New Orleans Tech Chief Vows WiFi Net Here to Stay 213

breckinshire writes "After Hurricane Katrina last year, New Orleans set up a city-wide wireless network to encourage businesses to return and assist in recovery. The New Orleans technology chief recently said that he intends to make the network permanent, in spite of state law and the disapproval of telecoms."

New Alliance Race/ 1.11 Notes 37

The upcoming World of Warcraft expansion has a number of mysteries associated with it, and one of the most often discussed is 'what will the new Alliance race be'? Blizzard has finally unveiled their plans: The new race is the ethereal wisp. Additionally, community mod Caydiem is back on the official forums and has official details on the upcoming 1.11 patch. From those notes: "- Each player will only be allowed to pick up one flag per game in Warsong Gulch. While this decision is slightly restrictive, we do feel the value of teamwork it will teach by allowing each player more opportunity to shine outweighs any negative side-effect. - New Level 1 only Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin bracket available! - If a match-up begins and drops everyone due to lack a lack of players, Horde automatically wins."

Journal Journal: Let's do this again 2

My foes list has a bunch of trolls on it. Some are new. If anyone has suggestions for names to add or names to take off, please post a comment here. Oh and please link to examples of why it should change. Thank you.

Journal Journal: Troll Slaying Roundup 3

I apologize for the time between entries, but as many of you know, CmdrTaco has now all but eliminated trolling on Slashdot - and deserves our thanks for all his hard work! However a recent upsurge in trolling over the last four months has created some changes in the Master Troll Blacklist, and I'll document some of these changes for you now.
  • Fortknox - Beloved by many, Josh Marotti recently announced that he is in fact a
User Journal

Journal Journal: Answering the Mailbag 9

miagfmu writes:

To: TrollBlacklist
Subject: Non-troll request


I was looking at your list and am about to sign up. But, I saw a friend-of-a-friend
on the list, and thought it might not be such a great idea.

Journal Journal: Curbing Slashdot Abuse 1

Like many web based discussion boards, Slashdot has a small vocal minority of abusive and disruptive users. Many of these users spend hours online attempting to harass and provoke normal Slashdot users. CmdrTaco et al have devised a trust referral system which allows users to mark bad accounts and assign them a penalty. This account in particular has a running list of ALL of Slashdot's worst abusive users. You can leverage this account to 'block out' this i

Comment Re:You're being a bit overzealous, don't you think (Score 1) 18

This is pretty typical Flamebait and Troll both:
You nimrods. (Score:-1, Flamebait)
by Wakko Warner on Tuesday August 27, @04:00PM (#4151400)

Why is this story such a big deal??
How many of you wolf-crying 'tards have ever paid a dime for your MP3 encoders? Fraunhofer has been charging a license fee for them since the very beginning, but I don't ever remember having inserted a quarter into the coin slot on my PC when I ran LAME.
Do you honestly think you're gonna start having to pay for your copy of XMMS? Of mpg123? Do you think the copies you have now are gonna quit working in a few days?
Stop acting like such irrational little 12-year-olds...
Moderation Totals: Flamebait=2, Overrated=1, Total=3.

(It is flamebait for sure and I think it is Troll because it didn't take very long for Google to find out he was just being stupid.)

You might be right about FortKnox. I have not decided yet.

I took /dev/trash off the list.

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