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Comment Re:Yes, way. (Score 1) 709

The article says the shooters caused the fire, and then unsuccessfully tried to put it out. I could say "two angry mormons started a fire" and spin the story a different way, too - although I'm sure we can all agree being mormon has nothing to do with causing a fire.

My point is, at no point to they say in the article how the fire was actually caused. I want proof that somehow the action of using their firearms caused a fire.

Comment No way. (Score 2) 709

There is absolutely no way some guy firing rounds into any kind of grass caused a fire. I want proof. I've fired of a ridiculous amount of ammunition, of all types, into all kinds of things since I was a little kid. The only time I've ever seen a fire cause by any kind of round is incendiary rounds or a metric crapton of tracers pounded into a target in short order by a minigun.

Prove it.

Comment An observiation I have made, right now (Score 1) 465

There does not appear to be an effect of any kind on the difficulty of the material in an article, i.e. how much of the Slashdot audience is likely to understand it, versus the rate and amount of comments.

I draw the conclusion that the bullshit level must rise, given everything else remains constant.

Comment Why all the bitching? (Score 1) 343

Is it overpriced - most definitely. But this is Slashdot, and you have a company trying to make a commercially successful PC with Linux on it. Why is this a problem?
The original article had an obvious hard slant against it - let's try and think for ourselves a little here.

DISCLAIMER: I type this on a Windows box, but I have a vt420 connected to an Arch VM sitting next to me :)

Comment I would do the math... (Score 1) 652

But I'm more comfortable with real numbers.
I mean, _clearly_ they would save at least $3000 because they would reduce the manufacturing cost that can be had for usually $4000.

Compare the $1000 savings... much better than paying just $1200 for the dealer option. I mean, that's more than 20% off.

And who doesn't want more than 20% off?

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
