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Submission + - Invent the medical tricorder win $10,000,000 (

GeneralSecretary writes: "Ever watch Star Trek and say "Hey, I could build that", well now's your chance. Qualcomm and the X PRIZE Foundation have teamed together to offer ten million US dollars to whomever can invent "a mobile solution that can diagnose patients better than or equal to a panel of board certified physicians", the Tricorder X Prize. Hopefully the Tricorder will join the cell phone, MRI, and tablet computer in the list of Star Trek devices that are now part of our lives."

Submission + - Could High Gas Prices Help Americans Lose Weight? (

thecarchik writes: With gas prices above $4 a gallon (at least this week), we've entered a familiar cycle.

And, as carmakers know, car buyers start to opt for more fuel-efficient models with better gas mileage ratings. Then gas prices fall, and we revert to our old ways.

But what if gas prices stayed permanently higher? Might there be some hidden benefits? According to a new University of Illinois study, the more we drive, the fatter we get. In fact, data from 1985 to 2007 shows a remarkable 99-percent correlation between increases in miles driven and increases in obesity.

So the more gas costs, the fewer miles we drive (that's proven, statistically). Over time, then, perhaps that could cause us to start to lose weight?

Comment Re:I love hating as much as the next guy... (Score -1, Troll) 77

Commenting before you RTFA should be illegal. Also, writing ambiguous summaries should be illegal. As I responded to someone else I thought it had been made illegal to use your data plan in ways that hinder the carrier from making money. Cynical as I am, it wouldn't surprise me if it was made illegal soon as it's already in most EULAs (where I live anyway).

Comment Re:I love hating as much as the next guy... (Score 0) 77

Well, that will teach me always to RTFA before i write a comment... I thought VoIP and text messaging apps were illegal in the Netherlands (damn ambiguity). Anyway, in Sweden using your data connection for VoIP is against the EULA in all carriers I know of so I figured it could very well be illegal in the Netherlands.

Comment I love hating as much as the next guy... (Score -1, Troll) 77

...but in this case KPN is actually fully authorized to do that (unless DPI is illegal in the Netherlands). After all, the customers who are hit with the extra costs are actually doing something illegal, and they could just as well be brought to court or otherwise penalized in some much worse way. Granted, it's a bad law for us consumers, but it's still a law - just as there are laws against piracy and RIAA/MPAA act upon those laws. KPN acts in a much more sensible way, and while I wish we could just get away with our smart solutions I think their way of doing it is a huge step up from what the others do.

Submission + - ZeroTouch makes a touchscreen out of ANYTHING! (

hasanabbas1987 writes: "The world we live in is the world of “Touchscreen” and many companies have introduced different sort of touchscreens and touch technologies. A group of students from Texas A&M are thinking of revolutionize the world of “touch”, with the invention of ZeroTouch: a simple empty picture frame, which will enable us to transform any surface into an interactive touchscreen. The contraption of this amazing invention doesn’t look that Sci Fi, as its only an empty frame with pulsing LEDs and infrared sensors which turn any ordinary surface into a highly sensitive surface. What happens is that the LEDs create an invisible shield of light inside the empty frame and when fingers or stylus enter through it the light beams are interrupted. This gives cues to the software to track the movement of the object moving inside the frame."

Comment Re:Truecrypt (Score 1) 718

Granted, the extra overhead will probably not matter much to him, and he definitely has something to hide (and knows the guys he hides it from has a lot of resources). I'd probably put on my tinfoil hat if I knew a country was spending millions and millions of dollars every month looking for me, and then 4096 bits RSA would probably not seem as overkill as it seems now. So I guess he could very well use that level of encryption, in which case (if he hasn't messed up) the NSA won't be able to crack it.

Comment Re:Truecrypt (Score 2) 718

Even if you somehow synchronized all the hardware in the world with no overhead you wouldn't be able to crack 4096 bits RSA within reasonable time. Unless the NSA has some algorithms they haven't told the world about (frankly it wouldn't be all too surprising) it's not going to happen. However, I doubt Bin Laden used such crazy encryption.

Comment Re:Mission Accomplished (Score 1) 1855

Risking some serious flamebait-modding here, but evil is a subjective term and the members of Al Queda probably don't consider themselves evil. Even the most noble organization imaginable can be considered evil by someone, and very few consider themselves actually evil. Considering how much the members of Al Queda obviously believe in what they do, they are likely fighting "team evil" themselves.

In unrelated news, this method of thinking shines new light on Google's slogan.

Comment Re:Mission Accomplished (Score 1) 1855

Risking some serious flamebait-modding here, I just want to remind you and others that Al-Qaeda is (most likely) NOT team evil in their own eyes. Evil is a subjective term; even the most kind organization imaginable is team evil in somebodies eyes. And since their members obviously really believe in what they're doing, their targets are probably their team evil.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
