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Comment Re:Less protection for free speech? (Score 1) 383

>Citation please. History shows the exact >opposite, where multiple languages promote >distrust of "that strange-speaking guy" and >eventually war over trivialities like "he don't >speak right".

That is fueled by ignorance. If you learn the "others" languages you understand more their way of thinking and you gain their trust and respect.

But on the other hand, ignorance is bliss.

Comment Re:Less protection for free speech? (Score 1) 383

Well said. So my freedom is worth less than yours. Because you don't even know what culture is.

"So who are the French of Quebec and why do they have more rights that other people?"

Do you have the right to speak your own language at your workplace and in the store you go to where you live?

Can I have it to? I do not have more right than you.

Comment Re:Less protection for free speech? (Score 1) 383

"Free speech zones were put in place for people who think their right to free speech trumps everybody else's right to free speech."

1) a free speech zone implies that outside of the zone there is no free speech

2) Hiding the ones you don't agree with outside of view is trumping there right to be heard

"Which country has protesters that think freedom of speech means the freedom to disrupt gatherings and proceedings of people that they disagree with?"

That is to get on the news, if you do not dirupt anything or do not do anything sensationalist you do not get air time, and in the US, if you are not on CNN or FOX, no one hears you.

Comment Re:Less protection for free speech? (Score 3, Insightful) 383

Fine if less language is better learn French and stop using English.

Language is a big part of culture, mono-culture is very bad, not only in computers (windows zombies)m also in agriculture and society.

Languages dies, like culture and civilizations and people.

"A single language promoted the sharing of ideas and unity."

Multiple languages promote innovation and diversity, I like that better.

Speaking more than one language give you a broader mind, as our thinking is dictated by words, language structures, we think mostly in words.

Ask anybody who speaks multiple languages, there is words and concepts in each of them that can only be approximated in other languages.

The Quebec Languages law do not aim to eradicate English, they are there to preserve French.
There is mandatory English classes in French schools.

Comment Re:Less protection for free speech? (Score 1) 383

They say Stop in the City of Westmount in Quebec too.

They were changed because all the French speaking driver refused to stop at the "Stop" signs arguing they could not understand the meaning of the word. This was causing general mayhem on the streets and a lot of nasty accidents, something had to be done.

Comment Re:Less protection for free speech? (Score 1) 383

They are a affront to your freedom but not mine.
Like he parent said, the majority in Quebec are in agreement with these laws.
Without these laws we would lose our language, people don't seem to remember,but only a few years ago, all big stores inside and outdoor signs where in English.
The majority of patrons were francophone but the owner were anglophone.

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