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Comment Re:Rand Paul is the only honest politician left. (Score 1) 380

maybe you're looking at figures the same way that the government does...
- calculating unemployment by excluding those unemployed that have become discouraged and stopped looking for work
- calculating the cpi by excluding food and energy items

like most democrats and even some in the gop, president obama is a big government socialist... only the tea party, libertarian movements and independents are drumming up an ever increasing level of support for reducing government spending and powers back to that envisaged by the founding fathers.

Comment Re:Temporal Control Circuits (Score 1) 127

gold was widely valued for jewellery and money long before the age of electronics

so if you trip over a huge gold nugget after SHTF you'll just leave it?

also, in SHTF scenario, all fiat currencies would be wiped out and unless you had something of real value to barter you would starve... pound for pound, gold has been one of the most highly valued commodies in the world since before the ancient egyptians... no action by any NWO will change that

Comment Re:Bad Analogy (Score 1) 716

If my car crashes, no engineer is going to be sued.

engineers are responsible for design, not generally construction... if the cause of the car crash is found to be a design flaw, the engineer could (and probably would) be sued... even if not by the passengers, by the insurance firm.

but what would i know... i'm just an engineer

Comment Re:Hooray for common sense (Score 1) 366

except it won't apply to politicians... of course :-p

mobile phones may have been a problem for aircraft in the past, but the regulations for certifying avionics since 2007 are much stricter. older aircraft designs of course aren't subject to current rules which is a pity (since the rules are designed to increase safety) but majority of airline aircraft would be fitted with upgraded avionics anyway, and any upgrades would be subject to current rules (including their integration into existing aircraft electrical and flight control systems).

refer FAR25.1317 - High-intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Protection

even if you fly in smaller aircraft, if it has avionics installed post-2007 you're likely covered by a similar rule;
FAR23.1308 - High-intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Protection

Comment Re:Cost (Score 1) 473

But I'm not getting a refund for putting money into a business

if you sold your stocks, you might get less than your original investment or more, depending on the performance of the company you invested in

it's called risk and reward... and unfortunately big government dipshits (democrats and republicans alike) have no concept of it

Comment Re:I'm afraid this means war (Score 1) 251

its not laws or lack thereof that is preventing nasa from mining the moon... they simply don't have the funding

remember the only reason why nasa got the funding to go to the moon in the first place was because the military industrial complex was involved in a cold war with the soviet union.

the funding for the space race was never allocated for scientific purposes, it was always primarily a military operation dressed in civilian clothing.

no cold war... no moon... it's as simple as that

Comment Re:I'm afraid this means war (Score 1) 251

you are a sad, sad little man... and if it comes time when beta is forced on me i'll just write a php script to strip all the shit out... at the moment i'm still using the good ol' version.

if you don't like my rantings of wisdom, you're free to gtfo yourself... you won't because you're the troll, but unfortunately for slashdot you're just not intelligent enough to come up with a half-decent argument... you poor douchebag.

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