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Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 270

Forgive my ignorance, but what does the operating system version have to do with anything?

You're forgiven.

OS X 10.6 is a major shift away from the Carbon (C++) framework to Cocoa (Objective-C) framework. In previous versions OS X supported both frameworks, but with the migration to "complete" 64 bit (the default is still 32, but that's another story) the choice was made to stop supporting both frameworks and Carbon lost. Adobe made a major shift between CS3 and CS4 too by dropping support for PPC and focusing only on Intel + cocoa. That's why the OS version matters.

But then, you could have figured that out Googling it with Bing instead of just using the word Retarded.


Comment One size doesn't fit all (Score 5, Insightful) 305

I'm always amused when I read stories like this about how X or Y is the only possible future of development.

What works for one application or company doesn't necessarily work for the next. This isn't a one-size-fits-all industry. If it were every company would be using the same languages with the same methodologies.


Comment Spoken like a true idiot (Score 0, Flamebait) 1077

1. I think Jeff Atwood is full of himself and he's a Visual Basic fanboi. 'Nuff said.
2. I work for a very large Japanese technology company.

First, I didn't grow up speaking C#, C++, Java, x86 Assembler, SmallTalk, etc. Neither did anyone else. They're computer languages.

I work with Japanese programmers on a daily basis and I can tell you that they don't think "English" when they're coding. They think C, C++, and Assembly. Heck, most of them can't speak English; they don't comment in English; and they don't use English tools. The only English they're exposed to on a regular basis is a handful of keywords, which could easily be changed to any other language and mean the same thing if the compiler understood them.

Atwood's assertion is just too ridiculous. Spoken like a true imbecile.

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