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Comment Re:what my parents use (Score 1) 165

Your comment is alarmist.

One could use the same kind of argument to say that TV was stopping communication between them in the first place. "In my time grandma and grandpa sat by the fireplace and talked while she knat, that TV thing keeps both of them from talking to each other, watching images move, like mindless zombies!"

Comment Re:Here's the catch, (Score 1) 451

It would work even better if non US citizens were not considered as subhuman.

It's becoming a trend that every time the US government strips your rights they find a way to deny your citizenship (anwar al-waki & son) so that no one can complain.

If you are american, you should stop excusing injustices if they don't seen to happen to "proper US citizens".

Comment Re:Why do you joke about prison rape? (Score 1) 860

Anything can and should be joked about but I agree that the concept that ilegal assaults (of whatever type) inside prison are ok because they might happen to guilty people is completely farfetched.

The punishment is prison, containment and isolation. There shouldn't be extra violence and it certainly doesn't aid in the supposed rehabilitation.

Comment Re:A confederacy of douchebags. (Score 1) 111

The problem is that, if the first and popular comments address that as a relevant issue, people might get the idea that the personality of the affected characters actually matter.

That's why it's so easy to effectively use ad hominen against public characters sometimes, discrediting them completely in the eyes of many.

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