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Comment Gaming laptop (Score 1) 522

Last year I spoiled myself and bought an Alienware laptop. I've seldom turned on my custom built desktop since then. I've also recently bought a wireless keyboard and gamepad so I can hook it up to the TV. Now I seldom turn on my xbox either, the laptop has managed to replace both systems more or less.

Comment Re:It Isn't Just Gaming (Score 2) 287

This. Welcome to The Internet. People are far more likely to voice themselves when it's about something they dislike. You seldom ever hear praise unless the person is getting paid, when people are happy they are quiet. The result is that the vast majority of discussion especially online is people complaining about something. I had to explain this phenomenon to my step father when he started commenting on there being so many bad reviews of stuff he was Googling.

Comment Disk IO (Score 1) 125

Most of the time when I notice any stuttering is also the same time my hard drive lights up. Usually either the game or some background service decides to flood the disk with IO requests. In a few instances I've even had Windows become completely unresponsive until whatever disk operation that is running completes. It doesn't matter how much RAM I have. I haven't purchased any SSDs yet but I'm sure they help a lot to alleviate the problem. The question is is this a fault in how programs or the operating system handle secondary storage? Why should a disk intensive operation halt the rest of my OS especially when the entire OS could fit in RAM?

Comment No I like long games (Score 2) 637

I have stacks of games that are years old I have not finished yet, some I have barely started, that doesn't mean I want them to be shorter in fact quite the opposite. I'm a collector, games are what I collect. I love long involved RPG titles, they are like a good novel or movie to me. I eventually make the time to get around finishing it but there are soo many good games out there and I have increasingly limited time, so it's no surprise how many of them I haven't finished yet. Also consider that games take skill to complete. I'm not the most skilled gamer but I'm willing to keep trying that one annoying encounter granted I may shelve the game for a few weeks or month before getting back to it. The reward in finally completing the encounter comes when I get to continue the story, it definitely causes me to be more engrossed when I have to actually work to progress the storyline What gets me about prices is how all new games are priced the same regardless of length or quality. A long AAA game costs more to make than the average movie so yes I expect to pay more in that case than a DVD or theater ticket. But not all games costs more to make than a movie. Why should someone pay the same price for a sequel to a shovelware game compared to a AAA title that actually took years to make?

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