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Comment Re:DRM (Score 1) 295

The thing is you don't need to crack the server code you just need to know what the game expects from the server in order to run and then provide that. The real problem here is not the code but the encryption used if any. You just need to know the proper packets to send and possibly route that url to a local url (or IP address depending on multiple factors).

Comment Re:Ummm (Score 1) 690

Standardized tests measure quick thinking and are generally low on tedium classes are graded on homework and tests with homework usually the most significant part of the grade. Personally as a male I got through high school and college by doing so damn well on tests and with intuitive problem solving that my teachers chose to ignore my grades on the homework. This ended up biting me in the ass in my last year of college when I realized that I didn't have the discipline I needed to finish out my degree I later went back and finished it after working on developing that discipline.

Comment Re:Another reason we're stuck on this blue planet (Score 1) 505

I guarantee you there are plenty of obstacles but it will happen. I said nothing of colonizing other planets merely that we will use the resources from those dead rocks that we can and from there our world changes and we have no idea what's going to happen. Our number one obstacle is setting up manufacturing in space in order to lower the cost of these operations and that can already happen it's just a space station that can work with raw materials. We're realistically already there we just need to push a little to start manufacturing in space maybe come up with a method to recycle all that junk we've left up there into a spacefaring vessel that can start our mining operations.

Comment Re:Another reason we're stuck on this blue planet (Score 1) 505

You're entitled to your views but there are resources out there on uninhabited asteroids and planets and they WILL be harvested and when that starts happening this world is going to change in ways we can't forsee we already have the technology to get out to Mars with robots which means we can pretty much already start mining these asteroids and since we can do that we can build a manufacturing plant in space using those resources. There is nothing stopping us except cowardice.

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