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Comment Re:ecosystem lock in (Score 1) 191

Yeah, it's obviously this.

Apple was first out with a slab phone, and I was accidentally on purpose an early adopter, and over the years I've picked up the apps I like and am used to, along with the music handling and what not - the hardware is good enough or better that it will probably never be worth swapping over, and I'm sure long term Android users feel just the same the other way.

Ignoring this is as stupid as people who review various laptops purely on hardware, as if OSX vs Windows (or Linux, I suppose, in these parts at least) didn't matter.

Comment jQuery is great in libraries vs frameworks (Score 1) 126

Personally, I find jQuery great as the baseline to support bespoke programming solutions.

There is a LOT of love for framework over libraries like jQuery, but in my experience most hit up against Dietzler's Law* pretty hard. with frameworks one has to be rock solid in the real browsers stuff AND the framework one chose AND the hacks you had to set up to meet the gap between requirements and the framework sweetspot. (vs bespoke, where it's just the real browser stuff and then straight to the gap ;-)

*Dietzler's Law: "Every Access project will eventually fail because, while 80% of what the user wants is fast and easy to create, and the next 10% is possible with difficulty, ultimately the last 10% is impossible because you can’t get far enough underneath the built-in abstractions, and users always want 100% of what they want" - but it's generally applicable

Comment block indenting = visual (Score 1) 876

I'm probably coming at this too little too late, but:

for C-looking languages (C, Java, Javascript) etc that use curly braces and block, there's usually a strong visual element: no one wants to look at code that's not "properly formatted". So while language is super awesome and powerful (almost any programmer is going to have a hard time expressing himself or herself in, like, that block language that came w/ the original Lego Mindstorms), the graphical element is still present

Comment advertising on faulty assumptions (Score 2) 120

Man, there's an err of pathos to when similar strategies are applied elsewhere, somehow Youtube noticed I went to a standing desk site, now half my adverts are from there. And also, they don't notice when I've actually bought a damn thing, so more advertising is just down the drain... I guess advertising is such a small % game that they'll take whatever "bump" they can get, no matter how stupid they look.

Comment Re:Much like Gold (Score 2) 121

Help me understand. You bought gold, to protect your capital. But do you have the actual gold? Or do you just have a receipt that you own a certain amount, trusting that this document will be recognized?

Even if you do have the actual gold, I'm skeptical about how much you can actually use it in times of need.

Comment Re:so uh why they'd support it? (Score 2, Interesting) 356

The recipe for getting corporate influence out of government is to reduce governmental power in corporate behavior. I'm sorry you hate Rand, but that's the gist of it. If the business isn't controlled by government, then business has no interest in government and we can all go about our lives. If you don't like what company does, please found company and change the industry, or at least your small part of it. The problem with regulation and subsidy is that it obfuscates the costs of delivery, so nobody can tell what makes sense and what does not.

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