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Comment Re:Will this finally shut the trolls up? (Score 1, Troll) 272

I haven't ever had memory leak issues with Firefox, at least not in the last 5 years...

Sheesh. If you say you don't experience the problem, why are you commenting on the issue at all? I don't use extensions. And I don't give a crap what the devs think, all they have to do is look through their own bug tracking for literally hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of bug reports on this issue. And ultimately, there is only one bug report that matters to me: my own. IT SUCKS FOR ME. No extension, and the memory grows and grows. And obviously others experience the problem as well.

Why doesn't it happen to you and some other people? Who the hell knows? But that doesn't mean it's not a huge problem for a lot of other people.

Comment Re:Will this finally shut the trolls up? (Score 5, Insightful) 272

Seems like just about every article that comes out about Firefox there's a dozen or so folks that keep complaining about how slow Firefox is and how much memory it leaks.

... And this is the problem with Firefox. The horrible memory leak problems have been traditionally dismissed by the Firefox team as only seen by "trolls". I gave on Firefox because it constantly sucked more and more and more memory, and I had to constantly restart the damn thing when it got over 2 gigabytes with a handful of tabs open.

Now, maybe the Firefox team (FINALLY) fixed it, and maybe they didn't. But we can't tell from this test, because they didn't do a memory leak test. What they need to do is open 41 sites, close 40 sites, open 40 sites, close 40 sites, on and on and see what happens. I know what will happen with Chrome -- since it uses a process per tab, all that memory will intrinsically get given back to the O/S. Firefox -- who knows?

But what I do know is that it's too little, too late for me. I love Chrome, and Firefox has no compelling features to make me come back.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 585

And your attitude is why Firefox is losing. I had the same memory issues reported over and over by people, and the response from the Firefox people always was, "Oh, well, it works for me! It must either be a bad plugin or your imagination. In short, YOU suck, it's not Firefox's fault."

Well, I don't use plugins and it WAS Firefox's fault. When I can open a web site, close it, open it, close it, open it, close it, and observe the memory going up and up and up and up, it's a memory leak. Submit the bug you say? It's already been submitted 1,000 times.

So maybe Version 7 they finally got serious about the memory problems, but I doubt it. And why should I go back when Chrome is better in every way, especially speed?

Comment Re:What other products (Score 1) 1019

Eh, I don't think vagrancy laws are clearly unconstitutional. There is clear precedent to having local laws that prevent people from being a nuisance to other people (e.g., freedom of speech doesn't mean you can get out your bullhorn at 3am). Loitering and vagrancy are a nuisance to people and businesses, and causes people to be intimidated and fearful of traveling in their own town.

Comment Re:OT: moderator points?? (Score 0) 338

I don't know how it works now, but my understanding is that in the past, you only got mod points if you were generally in the middle of visitation frequency. If you visited too little, or you visited too much, then you didn't get mod points. I believe the theory was that CmdrTaco didn't want people at either extreme. So either you haven't been visiting as much, or they changed the algorithm.

Comment Re:K&R C (Score 1) 624

I didn't say it was unparseable, I said it was madness. Computer languages are not primarily designed for the computer, they're designed for human beings, and having a single common symbol represent two commonly used ideas is dumb. I don't particularly like it in English writing, either.

Comment Multiverse "pressure" (Score 4, Interesting) 258

You know, my 11-year-old son said something kind of interesting last night, on this subject. This month's article in Scientific American is about multiverse theories, and he asked me (paraphrase), "If the universe is contained among a bunch of other universes, and the universe is expanding, isn't it possible that the other universes are exerting pressure on our universe as it's expanding?"

I'd never really thought about that before, and it may be an unanswerable question (along the lines of, "what are the multiverses contain in"), but I thought that was an intriguing thought.

Comment Re:Shows market for better Social Network (Score 1) 213

This shows there was huge curiosity. I created a Google+ account to see what was there, but have no intention of moving from Facebook where everyone already is. Google+ has a slick interface, but no real deep improvement to where my entire circle of "normal" friends would ever go there. A social network is a natural monopoly. That's going to be a tough nut for Google to crack. (And Facebook's privacy features are fine, if people bother to use them).

Comment Re:Goes to prove the point . . . (Score 1) 496

Are you going to explain to your child's future bosses that he can not be expected to act in an appropriate (as deemed by the authority figures of that space) manner because he is just too gifted?

And something else I want to say about this. In my experience, the people who are most successful in the world are NOT the ones who learn to go with the flow and "do whatever the teachers tells you to do." The latter kids are the ones who grow up to be cogs in the machine, because that's what cogs do -- do whatever they're told to do.

While I do what's necessary to get my kid to get his work done, I'm also proud that he's not just a cog in the machine, and that he DOES have his own thoughts and desires, and doesn't give a crap what anyone else thinks about what he should or should not be doing. While it's very difficult to raise a kid like that, his attitude will serve him well when he's out in the world, and he wants to make happen what HE wants to make happen. Most people seem to sit around waiting for permission to pursue their dreams, and that's definitely not a problem my kid will ever have.

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