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Comment Re:Iran Opens Its First Nuclear Power Plant (Score 0, Troll) 496

You seriously want someone who has vowed to use them to have nukes? They've said time and time again that they will attack the US, UK, and Israel as soon as they obtain nukes and you support this? I'm the kind of guy that believes people when they say things (especially crazy things like wanting WWIII to reveal the last imam) and I fully support taking these guys out before they can continue with their crazy plans.

PC Gamers Too Good For Consoles Gamers? 324

thsoundman sends in a blog post from Rahul Sood, CTO of HP's gaming business, who claims there was once a project in development at Microsoft to let Xbox users compete against PC users playing the same game. According to Sood, the project was killed because the console players kept getting destroyed by their PC counterparts. He wrote, "Those of us who have been in the gaming business for over a decade know the real deal. You simply don't get the same level of detail or control as you do with a PC over a console. It's a real shame that Microsoft killed this — because had they kept it alive it might have actually increased the desire of game developers and gamers alike to continue developing and playing rich experiences on the PC, which would trickle down to the console as it has in the past."

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