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Comment Replace os or replace computation device (Score 1) 422

Well if a linux live cd works, why not have each bank build their own live cd and certified application? Add in a required token as well while you are at it. Drop the web browser completely. Only give the discs out through the bank teller visit, never by mail and iterate that fact.

Even better, completely eliminate the disc (to keep random thieves from mailing random cds to random people for phishing) and make a secure boot from usb iron key type system with it's own processor that can verify upgrades and a separate authentication dongle. Since the iron-key can be securely writable, have it written at the bank teller a user id that has no use but for authentication internet banking already entered.

Much better, develop a bank pad.. Like a crunch pad but does nothing but banking. Require a usb dongle to plug in to authenticate. Export data by email if needed but otherwise offer no other way to access.

We mostly dont want to trust the operating system that can be compromised.

Comment Re:Hands-free is allowed (Score 1) 364

Come to Texas, your a/c unit can barely pull down the temp to 75. I stay awake by holding my hand up in the air and chewing gum or sunflower seeds. I dont start out drives tired, but get tired driving in stop and go traffic for 15 miles. By the time I get out of the stop and go traffic, I have 15 more miles to go driving the same speed with the same engine tone for another 20 minutes which quickly makes me sleepy.

Comment Re:What does it support? (Score 1) 521

Funny, my siblings did not even notice they were using linux the last time they borrowed my computer. My brother said he preferred my computer over my father's winxp laptop since the linux never crashes.

The simple problem with everything is familiarity. They expect internet to be under the blue e icon or the red and blue fox. Another problem is word of mouth new 'hot game' is not produced on anything except windows.

Comment Re:Goody (Score 1) 521

Got a windows mobile cell phone? Half of them are ARM based. My current cell carries two Arm chips. Works well enough. Linux is already into ARM processors, though I have barely tinkered with that.

My old HP jornada had an ARM processor and there was a linux distro based off debian arm that could be installed in it. I almost got it running before I got bored of it. The kernel would boot but would halt when trying to load the file system from the memory card. The kernel didnt have the right file system type that I wrote to the card in order to mount and move on so it just halted. I never got back around to figuring out the why.

Personally, I'd love to have an ARM based linux laptop that potentially could last hours on batteries. I don't need the fastest processor out there, just enough to run web browser, flash and local video/audio. I used to use my jornada for a month before putting it on charge.

Comment Re:Shouldn't it be magnetic North? (Score 1) 289

Rotating the anklet would be useless, it always buzzes magnetic North. You could put the anklet on and sit with your shin facing North, spin the anklet and it will continue to vibrate your shin as it senses the magnetic North turning. Haven't you ever played with a compass?

If adjustment is really that necessary it must be compensated in software/the anklet's wiring.

Comment Re:and yet NYC still has traffic jams (Score 1) 882

So you drive in Houston too?

They pass in the on/off ramps a lot here.

What gets me are the people who ride leave one car space between them and car ahead, and come up to a merge point then ride the bumper of the car ahead of them causing everyone to come to a stop. If you are behind someone enough to see their turn signal on at a merge point, DONT FREAKING PASS. If someone does try block me from merging or run up and sit in my blind spod, I will take a hard left into their lane a la NY cabbie style. Honk if they like, Ill just shift out of gear and floor it so they cant hear their cell call anymore. I'll immediately establish a 2 car space ahead of me as well just because that person will be riding my tail.

Merge points are not supposed to be like that, it's supposed to work like a zipper.

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