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Comment Big Brother & insurance (Score 0) 233

I'm not big into conspiracies, in fact I'm a Mason and can tell you all first hand that most conspiracies are just flat out ridiculous, but how long will it be before they use that repository for every little thing that happens. Also, what's to stop insurance companies from saying they won't cover you because you have certain genetic markers?

Comment speechless (Score 0) 450

I am utterly speechless. It's not like our nation's infrastructure runs on the Internet or anything. Let's give Prince the benefit of the doubt and think about what he said. People are addicted to the connectivity. The Internet and all the "gadgets" will not go away anytime soon.

Comment Finally (Score 0) 973

I'm glad someone is finally taking the high road and acting like an adult. Instead of making threats, he politely asked them to stop, and it seems it worked. The fact is, piracy IS illegal and the fight for piracy isn't about committing crimes, its about fighting racketeering groups like the RIAA. I hope other artists learn from this.

Comment Hate (Score 0) 560

Seriously, you have to pay to watch thurs night football now, Super Bowl adds cost millions of dollars for a 30 second slot. What more do they want?! Where the hell do they get off trying squeeze even more money out of people who are already hurting? Just shut up and let us watch football.

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