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Comment And also the type of device used kills creativity (Score 1) 126

Devices like tablets are in direct competition with notebooks and in some situations even PCs.
Now lets assume the typical slashdot poster, who is a hobby programmer.

If he's sitting at his pc, and surfs on the web, he may interrupt it to do some coding. maybe he's annoyed by something on a website and writes a userscript to change it, or he just gets an idea for a cool script and can instantly switch to a terminal and write it.

If he's surfing on his mobile device, he does not have a keyboard, and not even a system which does good multitasking (in the human sense, not in the multithreading sense). So if he's annoyed by something on a website, its likely, he just ignores it. Or maybe he tries to search for a userscript for his mobile browser, but its unlikely he starts writing one. And starting to program something more advanced on a touchscreen is even more unlikely.

You do not need to be a programmer, to have this problem. Mobile devices, which lack proper input like mouse and keyboard are designed for consumption, they are not designed to create something.

Comment Virtualization is kind of bullshit (Score 1) 201

when you virtualize in unix system, then you create a virtual machine to run multiple applications seperated from each other on a OS, which was invented to run multiple applications seperated from each other. Many applications do not really need a VM, but just a shell account and some own ip, where they are allowed to use privileged ports.

other approaches are chroot/lxc/linux-vserver maybe openvz lightweight VMs.

Comment other languages (Score 1) 215

for example, in german the word hangup "aufhängen" was displaces by "auflegen" (to lay sth. down), like you did with the old telecom telephones with keys on one big block and a receiver to hold at your ear. Of course, you could try to implement this by an app, which hangs up when you lay down the phone ... but face it, you did not hang up or lay down your DECT mobile, as well.

Comment Re:Fuzzy searching (Score 1) 418

The other main difference:
An API documentation is long and everthing seems as if it were of equal importance. Now read it, try to get started ...
At stackoverflow (and other online communites, why this advertisment here?), the documentation is weighted by importance. You will get a lot more answers to the questions, which are propably the right questions, which keeps you on track doing it the right way.

Comment Re:Online Advertising Response (Score 1) 369

dells pages are just commercial, because you only can use them properly, when you have bought that machine, or when you want to.

opensource on the other hand ... many people pay money to provide the hosting for free software. You would assume, when you do not get money for your software, you want at least some cheap hosting ... but no, its worth it to the authors of the software. Another reason, why you should donate to your favourite projects.

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