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Comment Re:Forget about them (Score 1) 187

yeah, and the problem is, there are servers, which send NDR because of SPF.
And even when you are a server in the chain, which accepted the message, you SHOULD NOT send a NDR, because SPF is saying "hey, the sender-info is wrong". So a NDR is pointless, in ANY case, even when you accepted the message for delivery.

Comment Re:Forget about them (Score 1) 187

No, because you send the NDR to a adress, which was detected by SPF as NOT being the source of the message. So you reach the wrong person. So instead you should just send nothing, if you filter based on SPF, because the whole point in spf is, when you filter it, you do it because you do not know the source (and the pretended source-adress is wrong)

Comment More spam because of SPF (Score 2) 187

If you have correct SPF, you will most likely get more spam. Why? Someone spams mailservers with your domainname, then it bounces because of failed SPF, and many mailservers are configured wrong, so you will get backscatter spam.

The irony of this is, that SPF says "it wasn't me" and the wrong configured mailservers then send YOU an answer saying "hey, we're not accepting your mail, because your SPF says it is not your mail".

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