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Comment Re:Change for the sake of change? (Score 1) 835

Your comment has broad application around here. At the same time, one does expect a certain level of competence across the board in basic life issues - which these days includes at least an acquaintance with the nature and operation of computers.

Cue car analogy in 3...2...1...
Not everyone needs to spend their weekends modifying stock engine blocks, but we do expect normal adults not to cringe timidly when faced with a steering wheel and PRNDL lever.

It's not that difficult to understand how an OS matters to a computer system. People do equivalently difficult things regularly, yet somehow the sight of a kbd and monitor conjures Jacob's ladders and mad cackling.

Comment Re:Dear conservative: Government is not a person (Score 1) 623

The entities delivering those services usually make horribly inefficient and crony-based choices in doing so.

It seems to me that the GP attempted (inarticulately, perhaps) to note the lack of consequences for those entities when they screw up. Your point indirectly addresses this - we who allegedly vote for such things (really just for the representatives who then make the inefficient decisions) should hold them to account. We hold no fine-grained way to do this (can't withhold taxes for what we don't like), and we allow them to trick us into wasting the blunt-instrument 'vote' that we can use.

Wachovia trafficked in $387 billion of money laundering for drug cartels, kept a nice chunk of it, and was fined a small fraction when caught. Nice net benefit - can you and I get in on the action? Hell no, we'd be strung up by the family jewels.

Will any of us visit similar chastening on any politician for that? Or do we accept (with lots of political encouragement) that we have a de facto two-tiered legal structure where the elite go unpunished as a matter of course? Seems an unoriginal endpoint for a country that started with a rather different idea.

Comment Re:Why are Libs so enamored with taxes? (Score 1) 623

And that's a good thing?

The damage that MS has done by barging, elbowing, and carpet-bagging their way into business and slowing the development of computing to a crawl is exceeded only by the damage done by the original Unix vendors and their standards-hegemony wars.

One needs no college education to imagine the explosion in innovation and entrepreneurship that could happen without software patents and copyright bullying - just learn to code, then try to do something useful. Those lawyers (another college over-product) will come quite quickly to school you.

Comment Re:News Flash: old stuff breaks! (Score 2) 199

You'll need a lot more areas if you're going to replace something as concentrated as nuclear power with solutions as diffuse as the ones you suggest.

Example: Try campaigning to get the Kennedys to put up offshore wind power as a lasting legacy to Ted. Far enough out in the Atlantic to be barely visible on the horizon on a clear day - and the wind conditions there are quite good. Engineering, renewable power, liberals, topicality - everything is poised to make this the time to proceed with such a worthy project, yes?. Oh wait..

Or, just run the numbers. Kwh/mi^2 for wind, solar, tidal show that if we carpeted the country with these, using *every* available space, we could gin up a big 15% of our energy budget, max. Wanna commute to work using those numbers? Get out your rickshaw ...

Comment Re:Obama's E-mails (Score 2) 516

Yeah, because the Palin-bots are so clever with the 'look-over-there-instead' gambit. No college perfesser type can withstand its subtle twist on the false equivalence fallacy. And it hasn't even been tried in other Internet forums than this one.

Now come back and say "Well, I'm no Sarah fan, but ...". That'll really suck 'em in.

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