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Comment Re:Am I reading this correctly? (Score 1) 417

So... if Apple has a list of publicly known security flaws that can own the machine and they wait 'til they get 1/4 gigabyte patches to bother fixing them... and they don't get infected with a virus... how is it anything BUT lack of interest and obscurity that saved them? You're forgetting that most virus attacks are for Botnets and Spam Email where the goal is to reach tens-to-hundreds of thousands of machines before it's profitable. Spearphishing just isn't popular.

Comment Re:The UNIX crypt tool is not at fault (Score 1) 159

Unless they typo either by case or too late in the password... didn't realize it... and the typo is considered your real password... and the time after they try to login they wonder why Amazon isn't letting them in.

But yeah they could have easily *told* us upon login "change your password now as we've switched to a new encryption method".

Comment Re:Shocking news: (Score 1) 387

Autolook does not a good control scheme make.

Sure it might be a fun way to play... but the game partially plays for you.

That's like saying the Xbox is more accurate than PC because the game has autoaim... only just autoaiming the camera, not the weapon itself.

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