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Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 292

I don't think that's true at all - I've seen several times on laugh track shows (notably Big Bang Theory and That 70s Show) where an actor will say a few words, pause for the laugh track, then continue the line. You can even see it a bit in the linked youtube (though admittedly there I don't think any were mid-phrase). In any case, it definitely causes an odd timing to shows that rely on them.

Comment Re:potential for warmongering? (Score 4, Informative) 419

Alaska doesn't own the oil production facilities, it just receives money from land leases and royalties on the oil fields as well as property taxes on the pipeline and other structures. So you can't specifically call it "communist" since the state doesn't own the means of production. Still doesn't change the fact that it isn't exactly the pillar of neo-conservatism what with the redistribution of wealth through the Permanent Fund.

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