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Comment Re:Teabaggers (Score 1) 263

Oh, and stop referring to bloggers in a way that makes them sound like inconsequential political entities. The most motivated and effectual political activists on the planet communicate through such mediums these days, and to minimize their impact is willfully obtuse at best.

Comment Re:Teabaggers (Score 1) 263

There is a difference between criticism and unadulterated horseshit. Folks like Breitbart, Ailes, etc are not part of a genuine opposition movement. It's like calling the tomato chuckers at an old European execution legitimate commentators.

I might not agree with every word of Barry's message (I'm way to far to the left for that shit) but I've gotta say your characterization of his response is bunk. I, for one, believe it is the prerogative of the POTUS to respond publically to public criticisms and statements regarding his administration, so long as his criticism does not stifle the public discourse, or the freedom of expression of the American public. This goes doubly when the criticisms are of a demonstrably fallacious and/or factually bankrupt nautre.

Or are you saying that Hopey intimidates you into silence? Because, I'd REALLY have to call bullshit on that one.

Comment Re:Don't worry BP ... (Score 1) 913

The only way for BP to recoup their losses from this would be through an across the board, upward price shift. I wonder if there is an international, let's just call it, organization of petroleum exporting countries that could make that happen for them to the benefit of the entire industry...hmmm...

Comment Re:Much more primitive than we expect (Score 1) 648

Hell, even IF you assume constant contact with Earth, this poor bastard is screwed. You ever watch a Boomer try and listen to whatever the hell kids are listening to these days? I mean, shit, I'm in my early 30's, on the net pretty much constantly, and just look at how I ended that question.

Comment Get off my lawn. (Score 1) 400

When I was a kid, just going to pick up a new game was an event that added to the experience. I'd roll on into Babbages with a fistful of allowance and lawn cash, and change it in for a shiny box full of a game and awesome goodies. Jump in the car (or city bus, or whatever) at the end of the shopping trip, and all the way home I'd pour over the stories and instructions, and by the time I actually sat down to install/load the software, I already had a feel for the game, and its universe. Made it better. I actually got Civ 1 for Xmas when on vacation in Florida, with my computer hundreds of miles and a week away. By the time I got home...holy shit did I want to play that damn thing.

Without that tactile, physical presence...the evidence of ownership and impending experience? I just don't think it'll be the same when all that is crammed into a 30 second trailer and a tutorial level.

Comment Re:TEA Party Loots Local Libraries in (Score 1) 146

Nothing starts a fracas like snark. Well, perhaps attempting to use irony in a room of Is that a subclass of snark or a field of comedy unto itself? I suppose that would be predicated on the presence/non-presence of furries. But I digress. Technically, you're both correct.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
