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Comment Re:Found this quote just the other day (Score 4, Insightful) 287

It's hoarding by underpaying employees. Is there a billionaire who doesn't have some employees/contractors who are on food stamps? Also the billionaires cash out, buying multiple homes, yachts etc. Fine, they earned it, but they could be taxed a lot more and still buy everything they want.

Comment Re:Regulations still good (Score 1) 72

Indeed. Time was women had basically zero rights and required a man more or less to exist in society. That has gone, thank goodness.

Grandmother: Didn't complete high school, 3-10 children
Mother: High school graduate, 1-2 children
Utopian Woman: College degree, corporate job, 1-6 cats
Post-human female: Home schooled 2 months, 30-120 kittens

Comment Re:who cares? (Score 0) 197

Where is this talent ending up? Probably in tax-funded jobs that still pay well enough but involve literally no work. The pressure on tech companies to hire women is really to get them to create jobs that also don't involve work. Until the economy declines to the point where the majority of women are as poor as they are in India and China smart girls are not going to be tricked into being productive.

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