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Comment Re:So, not a Tepco site (Score 2) 72

Unfortunately Japan seems to easily forget about Fukushima and its effects, side effects and future effects. The new Japanese government is in favor of a drastic change regarding power plants future: from an all-stopped-and-deep-check (May 6, 2012) to a lets-go-restart-asap-what-you-can policy. They probably estimate the probability of another such F-event very low (F as in Fukushima, but you can put what you want here). This is one of the globalization problem: economical globalization trend, without global consensus on fundamental issues.

Comment Re:But Why? (Score 1) 311

And if it is big enough, we'll have to deal with the remaining debris of size asteroid/x, and if it is even bigger, we'll have to deal with each y debris-of-debris from the x debris pieces etc ... well, a good way to get rid of all nuclear warheads we currently have on Earth..

Comment Re:Why would a celebrity (Score 5, Interesting) 52

Most of people do not really weight the consequences of taking and carrying such pictures in their phone/laptop/google glasses/... Everybody is used to the consumption era where information circulates quickly and broadly... and what is not published (eg on FB) is kept private. Unfortunately, it is likely that many people do not have the necessary background to protect themselves / act geekfully and a lot of private data is stolen from various places. It only makes the news when the ungeek person is famous...

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