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Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

There is more to the story than just the availability of guns and ammunition.

Exactly, and the hard question is who shoulders the blame and to what degree. Do you place blame solely in the hands of those pulling the trigger or in the profoundly sick society which encourages and enables such violent behavior?

Nothing occurs in a vacuum. We all have aggressive tendencies. Is that necessarily a bad thing? No, I tend to think it's just a survival mechanism engrained by millions of years of evolution. Anger is very healthy when directed at the right places(i.e. injustice), but unfortunately most people aren't discerning enough to accurately identify said injustice. Nor do people possess enough self-control to manifest their anger without violence.

Comment Re:She's not dead (Score 1) 2166

we are a republic for good reason.

The U.S. isn't, and hasn't been, a republic for some time. Corporate interests have maintained a stranglehold on our gov't for almost as long as we've had a gov't. The propaganda that constitutes history is often far from accurate.

Some time what the majority think they want is wrong

Regarding majority consensus, true direct democracies don't work for the same reason most people are dysfunctional. When given an option, people tend to choose the most self-serving option available, regardless of social or fiscal responsibilities.

Comment Re:*Now* can we admit PHP sucks? (Score 1) 213

PHP has namespaces.


First of all, none of that is in any way valid PHP. Secondly, arguing over syntax is largely irrelevant. Syntax is often drastically different between languages and good programmers don't notice because it doesn't substantially assist or impede the process of actual programming. Assess overall accessibility, usability and capability before even paying any attention to syntax.

The inconsistent type system, lack of Unicode support, lack of namespaces, quirky parser, and other stupidities (== vs. ===) weren't enough

All of your points are well received. As a PHP developer for 10 years, I can safely say that it's caveats are well known to me. The fact is that it's an easy target because it's so large. People wouldn't bother to troll if it weren't so popular. And it's popularity is easily attributed to it's many qualities, despite numerous and often glaring issues. The same thing manifests in any project of significant scope and size - no one is perfect.

Comment Re:Fear mongering 101 (Score 1) 426

Provide safe plastic pellets to the children. Why not experientially instill an understanding of and comfortability(i.e. closeness) with weapons? Mount hundreds of pellet dispensers, and invest the profits from pellet sales into "proper" weapons education for the students. The control freak administrators get the added bonus of forcing the students to sweep up all of the pellets every day, not to mention the subtle indoctrination of the need to do mindless and repetitive work in the name of defending yourself and cleaning up for a few assholes.

Comment Internet 2.0 would kill the "open" Internet (Score 1) 216

This is an absolutely terrible idea. Essentially allowing major corporations to engineer a closed internet, incrementally eroding any semblance of net neutrality, and then destroying the old internet once enough of their cronies have signed on to the new one. If this is allowed, expect paywalls, copious amounts of advertising, and strong authentication(i.e. no anonymity).

Comment Re:"Undeniable" (Score 1) 1657

I tend to disagree with "c) human activity contributes significantly" on the basis that regardless of any human correlation to climate change, humanity cannot afford to let the planet destroy itself. Such climate change needs to be mitigated in order to perpetuate a habitable environment, which probably means large-scale terra-forming operations. Unfortunately we can't get our act together enough to build a self-sustaining internal infrastructure, much less worry about the mechanics of the planet as a whole.

Comment Re:Does anybody still use Plone??? (Score 1) 52

To be clear, a single instance of Plone is in-fact much easier to setup than it has ever been prior. However that doesn't change the fact that scaling up to hundreds or thousands of instances is damn near impossible unless you're willing to make a career out of Plone development & maintainence. You can exclaim the many virtues of Plone ad nauseum, but that won't give my team countless days of our lives back configuring Zope & Plone, just to never have it work properly anyway.

Comment Re:Governments are the problem, not the solution (Score 1) 281

The real terrorists are the 0.01% of the richest people in the world. The American revolutionary war was fought by the colonists against the British central banks for levying unrepresentative taxes on the colonies. The United States formed as the only nation free from globalist banking influence up until the inception of the Federal Reserve. Now we're right back where we started except the bankers enforcement arm, the military industrial complex, has all kinds of fancy new weapons to oppress the masses.

The previous poster, myself, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, etc, would all be considered terrorists by the fascist central banking regime which is now systematically and incrementally impoverishing the U.S. and everyone else(including India).

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