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Comment Re:What a relief. (Score 1) 614

You've obviously never gone through this before. There is a reason why later IE versions have compatibility mode. The company I work for, not own, went through this in the past few years to get rid of ie 6. Even keeping the browser in compatibility mode does not mean you're free from having to make changes. Every single application has to go through heavy regression testing. But exactly what company has only web based applications to worry about when upgrading to a new platform?

Recently I just received a notice that there are issues with jquery versions preventing ie9 from being in ie9 mode. I have no idea what those issues are but it means every single application has to update their jquery version, repackage, redeploy, and retest every single browser side test script to make sure just changing the ie9 mode isn't going to break something. Who was using things like jquery when ie6 first came out? The importance of libraries like jquery is to prevent issues like what you're describing and to even allow you to move between browsers. But again, who was using it when ie6 first came out?

Do you even remember trying to build applications that worked for both ie6 and other browsers? MS fucked the world, and now it's the world's fault they're finding it difficult to upgrade?

Comment Re:What a relief. (Score 1) 614

If the software is that badly broken, you've got other very serious problems to deal with.

I'm confused how writing an application to work on a target platform is "badly broken software"? From internal apps to vendors, that's just how things have always been done. While there are countless multiplatform solutions that could insulate companies from some upgrades, the simple fact is MS has for several decades now done everything they could to prevent such solutions from working. ie6 is a great example of MS trying to protect its turf. Even upgrading in a J2EE environment on the same server from say weblogic 8 to weblogic 10 requires applications to be modified.

Comment Re:Make him run the Marathon (Score 1) 773

Well, the Iraqis would certainly have another opinion on the mater. And other nations might, for various reasons, not want to just let it go.

I think I took the wrong approach here. Perhaps we should start with a few definitions.

A World Leading Power: A nation or other political entity having the power to influence the course of world events.

A World Ruler: Has never existed and yet most anti US sentiment seems to come from this belief.

The US does not have a single military action and does not enforce economic sanctions on any other nation that other leading world powers care enough about to do anything to prevent such actions. No nation alone in the middle east could be considered a leading world power. All OPEC nations combined however could be considered a leading world power.

You asked a very specific question. Why is person Y not seen as important as person X in the global landscape. I answered that question but you either didn't like the belief that the US was a leading world power or you believed I was stating we were a leading world ruler. We are involved in the middle east because very very rich men in those countries and in charge of those countries decided to do business with companies based out of leading world powers. We don't even blink at the horrible acts in Africa for a reason. Is that fair? Who is crying for them? There is so much emotion pumped into anti US sentiment by very powerful people looking to continue to control the populace long after the US is no longer involved. They direct the attention outside of the country so those that reside in them do not have to hate the real government that rules over them. It obviously works very very well. It's just ashame that the countries that are finally figuring this out are not well organized enough to prevent similar assholes from acquiring power too.

To answer your question, no we will not try to be nicer. I don't think we'll be making the mistake of another Iraq or Afghanistan war again anytime soon. With civil war, Iran, and supposedly friendly nations training their populace to hate America...I imagine we'll be involved heavily in the middle east until we stop doing business in the middle east. That isn't likely to stop anytime soon unless alternative power sources can be found or if rich business men suddenly decide they value your opinion over their pocket books. No nation has a government free from corruption or is in any way shape or form capable of virtuous acts. Every nation conducts their business in a mannor that supports the increase success of their position in the future. For some nations this involves aquiring nuclear technologies and for other nations it involves becoming a critical cog in the economic machine. Whatever nation you reside in is no different. There is a level of hate and mistrust that will force the US out of the middle east. The funny thing is, absolutely nothing will improve for any soul in the middle east once that happens. Oil money will still buy expensive military toys. Civilians hell bent on killing each other because of some internal clash that should have died out decades ago will still hate each other. Governments will still be corrupt and sell out the rights of their people to rich fat cats. It's all a farce designed to control the populace by redirecting that hate they feel for their position to an external force. It works quite a hundred or so years the middle east will look like any dried up oil town in Texas and that's ignoring the global warming effects. As long as the entire global economic structure is based off of the belief we will have an unending suply of oil from the middle east, we will continue to be involved there. Our survival is linked to this supply. Just as the middle east's survival is linked to the demand for this supply.

I may have been off by about 70 years though. Your new policing state asshats to hate will probably be China by around 2030 or so. I'm all for you spreading your hate towards them today if you can but I guess we'll have to wait. Stop killing each other, unify and figure out wtf or where the fuck your children are going to live in a 100 years when the gravy train stops. There is no equal distribution of the wealth that is being soaked up from beneath your feet. That is the real cost and everyone in the middle east has learned to hate entirely the wrong group of people for it. Hate your real rulers. Hate the companies that sell your fortune...not the consumers.


Comment Re:Make him run the Marathon (Score 2, Insightful) 773

He was referring to the perception that Americans are viewed as more important than the rest of the world. The above stories are tragedies and you are correct they are very good reasons to hate America. They however were in war torn countries (by lovely us) and were not intentional. That does not absolve us of any wrong doing by any means.

There is however a very real difference between killing civilians in a war torn area and killing civilians intentionally and targeting them. If you don't know what that difference is then you need to have your head examined. It's horrible, and it all could have been avoided if the government in charge of that country apprehended the terrorists that attacked our nation. Iraq is another very long discussion.

I don't excuse the things my nation has done, but there are at times logically no other choice. I'm completely against both wars. There may have been other ways to get done what we needed to have done. However those actions would have also been completely illegal in the eyes of most nations. What is so shocking is somehow every nation has turned into an innocent child incapable of any evil wrong doing in the face of the US recent actions. The US is involved in the middle east for a ton of reasons from oil to WWII to the rise and fall of communism. They didn't get through the last century without both Europe's and the US's involvement and it's going to be another 100 years before we stop caring about the middle east. You don't like it? If you want to do something that might improve the area try local government reform (please note that doesn't mean completely destroy your country)...because they are the ones taking bribes from large corporations and they are the ones that allow their civilians to live the way they do under fear of some big bad outside force that somehow is responsible for everything that goes wrong on this planet.

Don't forget why those people are dying, and accept the fact that when you're not in charge of the entire fucking planet there is a chance you might piss off the wrong people. The funny thing is...the US isn't pissing off the wrong people. If China or the EU or even Russia spoke up and took a real stand we'd have to back down and exit immediately. They do not want terrorists to be able to strike them and hide in other countries just like they don't want anyone else with nukes either. Can you imagine how quickly this entire planet would go up in smoke the second Iran has ICBM and nukes capable of reaching the US? It would drastically alter our foreign policy in the middle east and suddenly one nation out of all of them will become the leading voice....guess what happens to the rest of the nations without nukes without the US, EU, China, and Russia protecting them?

You don't get to look at one horrible act and get to claim moral superiority. The middle east has been on the brink of destruction for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with outside forces. The level of internal hate inside each of these nations is unbelievable. Not even the nations are unified under one rule. Countless time the US has been blamed for their instability. Did you ever consider what the area would look like without us? The common conception is some utopian peace free from all hate and mistrust. There are countless examples in the history of this planet on areas like the middle east in which a powerful outside force does not exist. It's not pretty.

Comment Re:Make him run the Marathon (Score 4, Insightful) 773

What makes Americans more "valuable" and their violent deaths more noteworthy than pointlessly killed Iraqis, Somalis or, hell, anyone else?

At what point in your TV watching habits did you come to this conclusion? You do understand that news agencies and massive corporate news sites based out of the US will report more about US related news regardless of what version of their website/tv programs you're watching. So I'll take it that whatever country you're in they don't report as much about iraqi deaths? Have you considered that maybe a death related to terrorism in the most powerfull country on this planet might have repercussions accross the globe in terms of that nation's forieng policy? It has nothing to do with what individuals are more important. It has everything to do with what country is preceived as a leading power in the world. All of Iraq could be destroyed and the world will keep moving along. If all of Europe or all of the US was destroyed what do you think would happen to the rest of the world? I hate to rain on your, "the US is evil because we think we're better than everyone else" parade....but there are simple realities in this world. Decisions made by those in power impact everyone. A death in the US impacts the reasons why those in power in the US make decisions more than a death in Iraq would for obvious "der" level reasons.

So try and not to hate us so much...3 deaths are not more important than any other 3 deaths. The difference is 3 deaths in a powerfull country impact the entire world. If you hate that then I guess we could let some other country make all our decisions for a while...or better yet just do away with our own goverment and let the UN rule us just so you feel better. The only solution to your discomfort is to destroy America and redistribute the power and wealth to the rest of the planet. (HI NSA!). Where guess what, some other country will find a way to get more power and more wealth than the rest and you'll have to hate them next. Welcome to the fuck long did it take you to figure this out?

Comment Re:30 hours per week? (Score 0) 523

Spoken like a true wannabe aristocrat. The possibility of being intelligent may be inherited, but actual intelligence isn't. Most trust fund babies I've ever met have been pretty useless except for office political gain. Breeding has nothing to do with being fit for the job.

I joined up on a genetic testing site recently. I was surprised there were some studies regarding this. However the IQ difference from genetics so far is only about 10 points. I'm sure they'll find more as we go along. While I find it very uncomfortable to believe all things are not equal, it certainly seems the case. IQ however is not an indicator of success in life.

From the genetic site...
The researchers found that being breastfed raised a personâ(TM)s IQ an average of six to seven points, but only among those who had at least one C at rs174575. Among those with a G at both copies of rs174575, breastfeeding appeared to have no effect on intelligence. This result was found in two independent groups, one composed of 1,848 British children and the other of 858 children of European ancestry from New Zealand. The effect associated with this SNP was larger than the one described below for rs1535, which is included for customers who do not have data from rs174575.

The study found that being breastfed raised a personâ(TM)s IQ an average of four to five points, but only among those who had at least one A at rs1535 â" and only in the larger of the two study groups, which consisted of 1,848 British children. Also British children with a G at both copies of rs1535 did appear to have a small IQ benefit from breastfeeding, though their increase was significantly smaller than that of children with one or more A copies of rs1535. Among the 858 children from New Zealand, genetics appeared to have no effect; breastfed children of all genotypes had increased IQs.

A study of Dutch families found that rs363050 is associated with "performance IQ" (i.e. non-verbal IQ). Each A at rs363050 increased subjects' performance IQ by an average of three points compared to those with no copies. The authors estimated that rs363050 accounts for 3.4% of the variation in performance IQ between people.

Comment Re:It's Time to Send the H-1Bs home (Score 1) 617

H-1Bs are required to spend one month every year in their native country. Every single one has to be gone for a month.

There's no such requirement. If someone told you there is, they were bullshitting you.

There might not be anything on the books but my company does this as well. It has to do with the fact that they are paid as contractors and doesn't really have anything to do with being on an H1B. But all of them that I work with, which is have to take a month off...but so do native(yeah I don't mean native americans) contract workers.

Giving them a path to citizenship certainly would improve things but I believe the biggest factor here is that they are not allowed to shop around for jobs. If they could then they would be less likely to bring down wages.

Comment Re:No marketing (Score 1) 212

You have two physical locations, 22 employees, and around 5 million in revenue selling pet supplies...are you honestly going to tell me that you have sent out zero dollars for marketing? No adds, no fliers, no late night local tv? Even still, having a physical location is a world different than selling a software product online in which NO ONE even knows you exist unless you tell them. There are not stores nearby in which patrons visit and notice your shop stopping by. You're comparing apples to oranges.

Comment Re:No marketing (Score 1) 212

Right, because they'll know about your product, where to find it, and why they really really need one through what exactly? Do you honestly believe any company got to where they are today without marketing? Maybe you're referring to the first steam engine, light bulb, airplane, or slice of bread? Well actually all of those had their own marketing through news stories tell me again what product is so perfect and wonderful that it markets itself? Maybe a robot that goes around and tells people how wonderful it would be to own it?

Comment Don't get ahead of yourself (Score 1) 347

Spending 6 months studying on your own isn't going to mean jack on a resume, a degree will. You want experience that's going to get you into the field? Try open source or work on projects for free. Companies stopped training a while ago. Maybe you can get a fake identity and pose as an H1B visa'd get hired in a heart beat then...and they'll train you. But seriously do not drop out, it's the only thing middle management and HR will bother looking at regardless of how good or bad you are as a developer.

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