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Submission + - Cell phones don't increase chances of brain cancer (

mclearn writes: A very large, 30-year study of just about everyone in Scandinavia shows no link between mobile phone use and brain tumours, researchers reported on Thursday. Even though mobile telephone use soared in the 1990s and afterward, brain tumours did not become any more common during this time, the researchers reported in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Some activist groups and a few researchers have raised concerns about a link between mobile phones and several kinds of cancer, including brain tumours, although years of research have failed to establish a connection.

"From 1974 to 2003, the incidence rate of glioma (a type of brain tumor) increased by 0.5 per cent per year among men and by 0.2 per cent per year among women," they wrote. Overall, there was no significant pattern.


Submission + - Scientists Create Artificial Meat

Hugh Pickens writes: "The Telegraph reports that scientists have created for first artificial meat by extracting cells from the muscle of a live pig and putting them in a broth of other animal products where the cells then multiplied to create muscle tissue. Described as soggy pork, researchers believe that it can be turned into something like steak if they can find a way to "exercise" the muscle and while no one has yet tasted the artificial meat, researchers believe the breakthrough could lead to sausages and other processed products being made from laboratory meat in as little as five years’ time. "What we have at the moment is rather like wasted muscle tissue. We need to find ways of improving it by training it and stretching it, but we will get there," says Mark Post, professor of physiology at Eindhoven University. "“You could take the meat from one animal and create the volume of meat previously provided by a million animals." Animal rights group Peta has welcomed the laboratory grown meat announcing that "as far as we’re concerned, if meat is no longer a piece of a dead animal there’s no ethical objection” while the Vegetarian Society remained skeptical. “The big question is how could you guarantee you were eating artificial flesh rather than flesh from an animal that had been slaughtered. It would be very difficult to label and identify in a way that people would trust.”"

Submission + - Hackerspace under attack (

An anonymous reader writes: The hackerspace in Malmö, Sweden has been raided by a large number of police. While police claim the raid to be directed at suspected illegal alcohol sales in connection with underground club activity, this rhymes poorly with the seizure of computers and tools from the separated space the hackerspace resides in, as well as failing to explain the presence of IT-specialized police, and eyewitness reports of ISP technicians involved in the raid.

Submission + - Swedish Hackerspace raided by the police ( 4

intedinmamma writes: At 20.45 on Saturday the 28th of November the police raided the social centre Utkanten in Malmö, where the hackerspace Forskningsavdelningen is housed. Twenty officers in full riot gear and ski masks broke into the space, using crowbars. The official reason for the raid was to do a “pub check” because of the suspicion that there was illegal selling of alcohol going on at a punk concert. After the raid the cops confiscated a lot of stuff, being indiscriminate as to whose effects were removed. A lot of equipment from Forskningsavdelningen were taken, and also some personal belongings, even though the hackerspace was unaffiliated with the group arranging the concert downstairs.

Submission + - Scientists Create Rodent Super-Genius

Pickens writes: "In an experiment reminiscent of "Flowers for Algernon" the Telegraph reports that scientists have created the world's cleverest rat, able to remember objects for three times longer than other rats and better at finding its way through mazes, by modifying a single gene in a technique they believe one day could be used to boost human brainpower. The rat, named Hobbie-J, after a Chinese cartoon character, was injected with genetic material when it was an embryo to boost the NR2B gene which controls memory. “Hobbie-J can remember information for longer. It’s the equivalent of me giving you a telephone number and somehow you remembering it for an hour," says Dr Joe Z Tsien, who led the experiment at the Medical College of Georgia. “Our study provides a solid basis for the rationale that the NR2B gene is critical to enhancing memory. That gene could be used for memory-enhancing drugs.” The success brings hope for future dementia patients, as it is thought the gene enhancement could one day be used in a drug treatment for human brain disorders. However mega-memory could be a major burden says Neuroscientist Guosong Liu. "The danger of extending memory in healthy people could be considerable," Liu says. "There is a reason we forget. We are supposed to leave our bad experiences behind, so they do not haunt us.""

Comment What it is to be American (Score 1) 219

My friend,

You are right to criticize many of our pessimistic views, but I think you are neglecting to reflect on the integrated nature of censorship. Look at existing systems we have available and how they have been misused, and now we shouldn't be critical of giving them a new toy because it has been ideologically white washed into something easily digested?

Even if we are to trust our government, there are so many factions and so much bureaucracy that many times the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. Who is to say that this technology will not be misused in the future? Why wait for the bud to blossom when you can pull it up from the roots?

Politicians are supposed to be the tools of the people, to give the government too much control is to offset the balance of power set aside for each party within the social contract and be counter productive to democracy and civil rights. What is more American than that?

Comment It is all up to the state (Score 1) 628

Police raided a gay bar in Texas, on the basis of public intoxication...on the very anniversary of the police raiding a gaybar in New York! One of them is even in the hospital because 'his brain is bleeding'.

I shit you not sir.

A problem we have here in Washington is something like 5000 people a year die of drug over doses. Much of the time, someone could of called it in but were afraid of being prosecuted for the drugs (heroin and meth usually). Members of our legislature are trying to make it so only people who provide or sell the drugs can be prosecuted.

Comment Re:enh, the criminals we get these days... (Score 1) 192

You are partly correct, but I want to believe that exploiting individuals will only justify the security theatre in most people's minds. If people hacked with 'integrity', then their activities would not lend themselves to exageration and manipulation by the press and the government.

For every dollar stolen there is ten being given to some other corp to secure their systems, fear mongering laws and your tax money being spent.

Comment Imagination and Execution (Score 1) 324

From Wikipedia: Game design is the process of designing the content and rules of a game. The term is also used to describe both the game design embodied in an actual game as well as documentation that describes such a design. I think you are confusing game design with game programming. If you are designing the game, then you would be in charge of coordinating with the programming team (not actually programming). First you should develop a clear image of what you actually wish to do :)

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