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User Journal

Journal Journal: I wonder 1

My email is public record. Why dosn't anyone ever email me?

Comment Re:Your Honor... (Score 0) 560

Excuse me? George W Bush Jr. followed the constitution strictly. He went through congress to declare a war on terrorism, as required by the constitution. His methodoligy may be a bit odd, but he got congresses approval, and once congress approves a war, the only way they can end it is by cutting funding, or signing a peace treaty. Millitary funding is allowed by the constitution, as is building roads (bridge to nowhere), maintaining post offices (pension funds for postal workers), et cetera. There are only a few things that really wern't very constitutional, mainly the USA Patriot Act, which was passsed so quickly out of fear, and was pre-written BY A DEMROCRAT.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Confusion in technology

I have had the worst weekend ever, just because I forgot to bring my school laptop to my dads. I had to use Google Docs (not my favorite technology, good concept, poor execution), to edit an open office document (he dosn't like open source software for whatever wacked out reason). Then I had to save it, and upload it to the schools servers through the server. Morale of the story: if you have a school laptop, don't leave it at home while your with your dad for the weekend.

Comment Re:You've been trolled (Score 0) 8

Glenn Beck's style is a strange one, I'll admit. He tries to go to the extreme of what the ideas mean, further then what they actually mean, to show what the ideas mean. He is supposed to be taken with a grain of salt, but once you understand that, he's a great source.

Comment Re:Uh, no. (Score 0) 4

Interesting that the space between the legs is exactly 19 inches, but 1) the airflow is not "unprecedented", airflow up is blocked by a melamine board, 2) This leaves your server susceptible to the "pepsi syndrome", especially during parties, and 3) Woodscrews into beaver board does not constitute a secure mounting, especially after you pulled it out and put it back in a few times. There is a lot of torque on a pizza box that is supported only by screws through one edge.

Well, its a cheap solution. Thats the only good thing about it.

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