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Comment Re:Bubby? Is that you? (Score 1) 859

"...but the fact that ma(n)y people have a hard time getting better than a minimum wage job after committing murder isn't something I feel bad about."

Fair enough: you feel absolutely no remorse nor have any empathy for those who have paid their so-called "debt to society" as dictated by the law.

You see, of course, how this only contributes to the problem, though, right? 8,000,000 people in prison in this country and yes - I'm blaming you. Why? Because if "paying your debt to society" means absolutely NOTHING to you, Mr. Law-Abiding Citizen...

...Why should it to a criminal?

Comment Binge and Purge... (Score 1) 493

...Binge and Purge, Binge and Purge, Binge and Purge; on and on and on it goes.

There is a better way and it was completely derived from and developed as a consequence of the cultural phenomena of the Internet - ie, if you've been voicing your opinions and dissent on the web in the last decade or so, this is the result of that. Cost: you have to start thinking differently about how things are going to be and start acting toward that goal. Actually, for now I suppose all you have to do is act differently. You don't even really need to mean it so long as you do it. Eventually, if you repeat a behavior long enough your thinking will change, no?

Short of another "Revolution" where one form of "power" takes the place of another and millions of otherwise innocent human lives are once again thrown into pits, I personally don't see any other way out. And I've been living with this bullshit government "of the people/by the people/for the people" hoax for nearly half a century. It's never worked for me, only against me. Ever. Why? Because at the heart of it's so-called "democratic" social contract, I have to work against you and you me.

Personally, I could do without that nonsense for a change. Be nice to just shake hands and get to know someone out of the blue without wondering what they wanted from me.

Or, you can just keep binging and purging.

Comment /. Perpetuating Further Media Stupidity? (Score 1) 227

"Speaking Truth to Power Dept"??? Knock it off, Slashdot. Not all of your readers are effing braindead; no blogger on the planet is THAT good that they can bring the wheels of government (no matter how small) to a grinding stop. Report the whole story or don't report it at all. Read the blogger's own stuff on this. Oh, and do your website a favor and stay off the BBC bullshit train.

Comment Deli Linux (Score 1) 507

Try here: Deli Linux. Specs: 486 +(exactly) 750mb hd. Most likely you can trim down the floppy install in some manner to bink that back enough to be meaninful. Try the forums. Hope that helps.

By-the-by, I get why anyone would want to "waste their time" with such efforts: Because You Can. Please disregard these post `90's, Pentium-based infidels. Deli's tagline: "`Why the heck make a Linux for such old crap ?' you may ask.'" (Because) "I can't stop playing with it." (Taken directly from the front webpage).

Comment Wow (Score 2, Interesting) 515

That's a pretty remarkable DNA test that can tell someone's political affiliation (because, let's face it, that's what they're actually checking for - guilt by racial association). I'll bet within 6 months or so they'll even be able to tell what religion one subscribes to! In a couple of years, what ice cream flavor you prefer and (gasp!) your actual sexual orientation!!! I feel so much safer now!

What won't surprise me is if some Giant Old Man In The Sky just waves his pinky finger at this planet and demolishes it wholesale in complete frustration. Couldn't blame Him at all for that...

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 553

Look at it this way:

If every car on the planet suddenly changed into a loaded .357 magnum with the hammer cocked it would be THE GUN OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY to ensure you didn't inadvertently shoot somebody, wouldn't it?

Pedestrians, and people in general, aught to have a reasonable expectation of safety in public and places where vehicles operate (use some common sense here - people don't weigh a 3/4 of a ton and and go 0-60 in 12 seconds). And no, one should never take this expectation for granted and all pedestrians should practice common sense safety, but motorists are expected via operator's license to take extra measures to protect those who are outside their vehicles. That's the way it is, that's the way it should be.

Look at your state driver's training manual: I'm pretty sure it says something to the effect of "It is, in fact, your job to keep idiots (ie, people who are walking in public) safe".

Comment Re:These people are delusional. (Score 3, Insightful) 926

A Windows Geek? No Such Animal. "Windows Guru", sure - since that conjures up an image of a half-baked, long-haired hippie smoking a hookah who makes seven figures a year. I'll even give you a "Windows Tekkie", because of all the poor suffering IT peoples out there who wish-to-god they'd planted their college loans on English Lit, PoliSci or Phys Ed now that they're IRL. Perhaps there are a few "Windows Wizards" who actually understand the correct ordering of services, or maybe a "Windows Safari Guide" who can point out the more exotic aspects of the Registry. But a "Windows Geek"??? Nope. Sorry. Snark Hunt, that is. Only Grandma believes there are such things as Microsoft-Enhanced Geeks.

Think of it like this: does anyone want a t-shirt that says "C:\"? or "Where Would You Like To Go Today?" Meh.

But this:
"#> %blow
#> blow: No such job."

Is Freaking Genius and a high watermark of Geek.

Comment Radio Shite (Score 1) 629

As always, Greed Will Out. I can't even express how dismal I've felt over the last 15 years whenever I walk by a Radio Shack. Any more I just refuse to enter as the whole front end of the stores are simply stark, deserted reminders of 21st century cellphone stupidity. When I was a teenager I had my Battery Club card so I could get a free battery for my radio or walkie-talkie and that lead me to discover Forrest Mims, ham radio and 741 op-amps and the utopia of the Parts Wall and the Coco III. No more. All gone. A couple of slag plastic bins and perhaps a switch or two and none of them light up. It sucks.

As far as I'm concerned, they can call it anything they want since to find a good world-band radio you have to hit the flea markets or yard sales anyway. Take the "Radio" out and call it "Fone Shack" or "2-Year Service Plan Crap Shack". So long as they don't try resting on their otherwise historically awesome laurels. I'll call it what it is: Radio Shite.

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