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Comment Re:My Sympathetic Interpretation (Score 1) 1122

We did this to ourselves. I started coding in '79. The only women in I.T. were unattractive and lacked social skills. As we didn't have the Internet, everyone who was anyone gathered at the bi-annual or annual conference - DECUS in my case as I was a DEC guy. The few women there were mobbed by geeks, who were away for the weekend and wanted a good time. No wonder so few women joined the field.

Fast forward to the early nineties with geeks making millions of dollars. Suddenly geeks were cool, and Hollywood movies reflected the trend. This was not reflected in I.T. departments though.

Today, if you work in Digital Interactive, there are more pretty girls than guys. However in traditional I.T. the situation has only gotten marginally better. I suspect it's for the same reason in the 70's - A male dominated field means women who are not social butterflies will get a lot of unwanted attention. If you think HR has stopped men from hitting on their co-workers you are in denial...

A lot of developers are socially inept, they prefer the company of computers. It's not a crime... it's something to accept, and understand. Women are more social than men. So, less women developers. This isn't racist, it's just common sense. We need to celebrate the differences between people, not force everyone in to our little pigeon hole of how we think everyone should act.

Comment Re:The essay's critics are missing the point. (Score 1) 1122

"This person clearly contributes to a workplace toxic to women."

How did we possibly manage to survive as a species before we invented all this crap to enable us to take power over people by guilting them into becoming politically correct milquetoast replicas of each other? How did corporations function without a powerful HR department?

Those were the horrible days of Thomas Edison, Nikolia Tesla, George Westinghouse, Carrier... Let's make damn sure we don't bring that kind of attitude back, it would absolutely destroy society, right?

Comment Huh? (Score 1) 304

"Shooting passengers along at more than 700 miles per hour seems simple -- engineers pushed 200 miles-per-hour in a test this week -- "

Clearly the author is another starry eyed idiot who thinks Physics and Engineering are just silly little problems to avoid. There is a HUGE difference between 200 and 700, it's logarithmic not linear. For those of you who suck at math this means double is not equal to twice as hard.

Comment Re:How do we know this news isn't "fake news"? (Score 1) 352

And then, let a few days/weeks go by, and we'll get "The anonymous sources quoted in the article could not be reached for comment"

Because they are fake people, who fed fake content to a low level blog, that lazy CNN reporters picked up using Google. If you don't think this is how this works, please go to and search the book section for the words "media manipulator" and read every book there.

Comment Re:Average Americans are just fed up with leftism. (Score 1) 352

All spot on but you left out a few:

Average Americans are tired of leftists who refuse to listen to facts, refuse to engage in any meaningful dialogue, refuse to consume any news sources not controlled by the DNC, and refuse to admit that there is a possibility that some of their ideas simply don't work in practice despite how great they sound.

Average Americans are tired of a philosophy where you are either "All In" or an "Enemy of the State"

Comment Re: They looked for it (Score 1) 352

Yep. And even more terrifying is that some 40% of the country believe whatever nonsense the propaganda machines churn out, because they have been taught zero critical thinking skills. They can repeat sock puppet talking points to perfection though.

And don't forget what's in the Podesta emails which is downright terrifying if you take time to read them.

Comment Re:it's not "burning cash" (Score 1) 220

Exactly. But lets look at the absolute basics. If you save money, you put it in a bank. That is what the bank uses to make loans. No loans, no startups, no growth, nothing. duh!

If you tax capital at 50%, and the country next door taxes it at 25%, all the money that can leave your country, does. That's why lowering the tax on money creates growth. duh!

It's common sense. But for some reason people have lost this basic ability to fathom how basic economics work, because they have been brainwashed by political ideological theories designed to fleece them of their money. They think "all sales people lie, because corporations are evil" without thinking "Wait, isn't a politician, or a political party, made up entirely of SALES PEOPLE?"

Comment Re: Burn Rate (Score 1) 220

I want him to succeed, I really do, but the actual percentage of market share is abysmal and he has zero experience mass producing anything. EV's are a tiny, tiny fraction of the market, and with the Democrats shooting themselves in the foot as of late Republicans are going to be in charge for a while, which means there will be no appetite for a mandate that we buy the things, and the subsidies may also be killed.

Comment Re:Paths to promotion (Score 1) 317

No, the Unions seek to exploit the workers, and extract money from them, in order to bribe politicians to ensure that Union Administrators live like kings. It's an extortion racket. That's not what it started out to be, but that is what is has become.

Jeez where have you been? Reading textbooks maybe?

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