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Comment Re:The grand master plan of crypto (Score 1) 48

Their plan is to make this new money be adopted by the masses, so they start it off with a low price, then gradually increase it, by virtue of them just pulling numbers out of thin air for its value, until it catches the attention of the masses

It got even more shady than that. A lot of BTC was bought using USDT and despite the original claim that it was a stablecoin where every single USDT was backed by $1 USD it turned out that wasn't the case and those running USDT were just minting the shit out of USDT to go on a buying spree of BTC to whack the price up.

Comment Re:Not economically viable? (Score 1) 48

You're wrong and I wish people like you were smarter. The worth of mining a coin is directly tied to the reward..

The dumb one is you. The worth of mining a coin is directly tied to the value of BTC which is directly linked to how much hype the whales and influencers can generate around the currency.

Comment Re: It's not hypocrisy (Score 1) 137

The US has the strongest free speech law among most countries. It used to be a progressive (left) value.

Remind me again what the fine was the FCC doled out for nipplegate? And remind me again what OFCOMs fine was for the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony broadcasting the entirety of Monty Python's "Always look on the bright side of life" with the infamous line "Life's a piece of shit" to the entire world and before the watershed here in the UK without any warnings, any bleeping out etc.

Comment Re:It's not hypocrisy (Score 1) 137

Large corporations aren't *national*, and calling them "multi-national" doesn't really capture their nature which isn't isn't subordinate to any nation, much less multiple ones. They stand outside the framework of nations, acting as power and interest centers entirely in their own right.

That might be what they can get away with in the USA but we all know that America and its citizens are nothing more than Corporate America's bitch nowadays. Remind me again how well things are going for Apple, Google, Meta and Microsoft in the EU?

Comment Re:Congratulations (Score 1) 390

What makes a 32 work week better than a 40 hour week? How would a 32 work week benefit businesses? How would a 32 work week benefit workers?

Better motivated workers happier at work because they're not spending most of their waking day there. Here in Europe we worked it out years ago which is why things like 4 weeks or more of paid annual leave and a maximum 48hr working week is a statutory right in every nation.

Comment Re:Seriously out of touch (Score 1) 390

You seem to have missed that this comes with _no_ loss in productivity. Seriously, learn to read.

It's quite possible. People tend to be more productive when they're working shorter hours. Productivity doesn't go up in a linear line with the hours you work and the longer you work the lower your productivity gets as the week goes on. Think of your working week and how much of it you spend posting on Reddit and Slashdot. Deduct the hours you spend wasting time and that's how many hours you actually need to do your job with no increase in the pace you work.

Comment Re:Another commie idea (Score 0) 390

Unfortunately for people like you and your corporate cock sucking mentality the EU and UK exist. They manage to make sub 40hr working weeks, mandatory 20 plus days paid annual leave (28 in the UK), paid maternity leave of 6 months or more and free universal healthcare work. And inflation in most of those countries is at or lower than that of the USA.

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